- Army and police forces are the state machinery. 军队和警察是国家机器。
- European allies cobbled together some 4,000-5,000 more troops, gendarmes and other trainers for the army and police. 欧盟国家也派来了大约4000-5000的军队、宪兵和其他培训部队和警察。
- And above all, they must train and expand the Afghan army and police so they can gradually take over. 总之,他们必须训练和扩大阿富汗军队和警察的规模,这样他们才能逐步接管阿富汗。
- One surprising website caters specifically for gays in China's army and police force. 一个网站是专门为军队和警察中的同性恋建立的,这确实让人惊讶。
- In the distance the fortification of an Afghan army and police post was visible. 远处,可以看到阿富汗政府军的防御工事和警察的据点。
- They also agreed to provide funds and training for an expanded Afghan army and police force.Robertson reports from Strasbourg. 他们还同意为阿富汗扩编的军队和警察部队提供资金支持和训练。
- A clampdown by the army and police, with Mr Ahmadinejad brazening out his critics, would wreck the Islamic Republic's democratic pretensions for good. 军警的镇压,Ahmadinejad厚着脸皮对待批评,将会永远摧毁伊斯兰共和国自称的民主。
- But as he nears the end of a year-long assignment running a training program for the Iraqi Army and police, Brigadier General Dp issued this warning on Monday. 但是在为期一年的伊拉克军队和警察的培训任务接近尾声的时候;准将准将.
- The hired private security personnel in Brazil have outnumbered army and police due to the fast development of the private security industry, statistics showed. 最新数据显示,目前巴西私人保安行业发展迅速,受雇的保安人员人数超过了军队和警察的在编人数。
- But as he nears the end of a year-long assignment running a training program for the Iraqi Army and police, Brigadier General Dana Pittard issued this warning on Monday. 但是在一年期伊拉克军队和警务队员培训项目任务接近尾声时,准将D-P于周一提出了警示。
- During a short visit to Kabul he said France would help develop the Afghan army and police, and would take the decision on troop numbers in Afghanistan in the next few weeks. 在喀布尔的短暂访问过程中,他说法国会帮助阿富汗军队和警察的发展,并且将在几个星期之内对驻阿富汗军队的数目作出决定。
- Disciplinary forces around the world, such as Army and police often display muscularity and authority. Hence, it became an excellent icon for people to be associated with. 全球的纪律步队,如军队及警察都表达了男子气概及权力威严。因此亦成为众人都期望可以拥有的优良特质。
- Before that, Indian authorities have dispatched additional army and police officers to this northern city on fears that Hindu extremists might disregard court order and hold a praying gathering at the site of the former mosque. 在这之前,印度当局因担心印度教激进分子不顾庭令,在回教堂原址附近举行祷告会,而增派军警人员进驻这个北部城镇。
- McKiernan says among the additional troops he is asking for, he is hoping to get units that will be able to fight the insurgents and serve as trainers for the Afghan Army and police. 他说:“这是一条敞开无阻又漏洞百出的边境,但是我认为巴基斯坦军队、边境武装团体、阿富汗边防警察在这边境地区与国际安全支援部队协调一致行动是个强有力的主张,我肯定以后要继续这样做。”
- During a three-hour-long standoff with the militants in the center of Kabul, Afghan national army and police barricaded several city blocks as ambulances ferried the injured to hospitals. 在喀布尔中心地区和武装分子长三个小时的对峙其间,阿富汗军队和警察在少数城市设置了木制路障,方便救护车来回输送伤者到医院。
- He leave the army and returned to civilian life. 他离开部队重新过起平民生活。
- He leave sthe army and returned to civilian life. 他离开部队重新过起平民生活。
- We support the army and cherish the people. 我们拥军爱民。
- The protesters and police stood eyeball to eyeball. 抗议者与警察剑拔弩张。
- Obey all road signs and police officers. 遵守所有的路标和交通警察的指挥;