- Andy doesn't seem to mind. His arms sweep to the music still playing in his head. We hear a FAINT ECHO of the soaring duet. 安迪似乎并不在意,还在指挥着盘旋在脑海中的音乐。可以听到微弱的响起那激扬的二重唱。
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明显的条状红肿。
- He indicated the door with a sweep of his arm. 他一挥胳膊指向门。
- Don't leave her alone to sweep up after the party. 宴会结束后别让她一个人打扫清洁。
- He hold on to my arm with a tenacious grip. 他紧紧抓住我的手臂不放。
- Liberals sweep to victory in divided Canada. 加国选举,自由党大获全胜。
- Rise at dawn and sweep the courtyard. 黎明即起,洒扫庭除。
- He picked up the broom to help me sweep the floor. 他拿起扫帚帮我扫地。
- He indicated the room with a sweep of his arm. 他挥动手臂指着这个房间。
- I felt something crawling up my arm. 我感觉到有什么东西爬上我的手臂。
- The falling slate sliced into his arm. 落下来的一块石片划破了他的手臂。
- Be sure to sweep the room clean. 一定要把房间打扫干净。
- She had a dilly of a bruise on her arm. 她手臂上有一块显眼的伤痕。
- He fling up an arm to ward off the blow. 他迅速抬起手臂挡开这一击。
- I've just seen them going down the road arm in arm. 我刚看到他们臂挽着臂沿着这条道走去。
- She'll let you borrow the car if you twist her arm. 你要是硬要她把汽车借给你,她就借给你。
- Let's give our room a good sweep. 让我们把房间好好打扫一下。
- The insect bit him and drew blood from his arm. 那只昆虫叮在他的手臂上吸血。
- The boss sacked half of his employees at a sweep. 老板一下子裁去了半数雇员。
- The money is a shoot in the arm for the company. 这笔钱给这家公司带来了活力。