- The argument structure of this function is a bit unusual, but flexible. 本函数的参数结构有些不同寻常,但是非常灵活。
- The argument structure and theta-marking properties of lexical items vary across syntactic categories. 词项的论元结构和题元指派的属性在句法种变化多样。
- Pinker,S.1989.Learnability and Cognition:The Acquisition of Argument Structure[M].Cambridge:MIT Press. 桂诗春、杨惠中;2002;中国英语学习者语料库[M].;上海:上海外语教育出版社
- Remember, argument structure is a key component to assuring that when you overload or override a method, the call invokes the intended method. 记住,当您重载或者覆盖一个方法时,参数结构是确保按意图调用方法的一个关键部分。
- I will first argue that nouns, even though they have argument structure if they are of the right semantic kind, never theta-mark directly but only via prepositions. 我将首先讨论名词,即使在正确的语义类型下它们有论元结构,它们也绝不直接指派题元,而仅仅只是借助介词。
- In these analyses the argument structure of a predicate is a set of elements, with the external or internal status of an argument indicated by various notational devices. 在这些研究中,论元结构是一组要素的序列,它使用不同的符号标出论元的内部和外部的地位。
- The results obtained through the experiment are discussed with respect to the issues in SLA. It was found that once Learner's acquire the ZERO CAUS, they are able to work out the correct argument structure of EO verbs. 实验结果表明,一旦学习者能够习得零词素CAUS,他们就能正确掌握EO心理动词的论元结构。
- The fundamental goal of this enterprise is to derive a-structure from semantic and then to derive the lexical behavior of a predicate and its d-structure from its argument structure representation. 这项工作的首要目标是要把论元结构从语义中分离出来,然后再从论元结构表达式中把谓词的词汇的作用以及深层结构分离出来。
- This monograph explores a view of a rather different kind: the hypothesis that argument structure is a structured representation over which relations of prominence are defined. 本专题的研究视角有相当大的差别:它假设论元结构是一种与根据显著性组织起来的表达式。
- Only ten years ago argument structure was equated with the number of arguments related by predicate, a construct of some use but of limited interest. 仅仅十年以前,论元结构只是等同于与谓词相关的论元数目、一些用法结构,人们对它极少兴趣。
- A Contrastive Study on the Extension of the Argument Structures of Chinese Verb Chi (Eat) and Its Counterpart in Korean. 动词“吃”论元结构扩张的汉韩对比研究
- The argument structures of English resultative sentences are determined by the argument structures of verbal subevent and constructional subevent. 摘要英语动结句的论元结构取决于动词事件和结构事件的次论元结构。
- She handled a difficult argument skilfully. 她巧妙地应付了一场艰难的辩论。
- The argument woke old rivalries. 争论又激起了旧怨。
- The interruption fragmented his argument. 他的辩论因被打断而显得不完整。
- Generally speaking, "problem analyzing" accounts for the greatest room in the editorial of the New York Times, which is characteristic of its argumentative structure. 一般说来;"分析问题"所占篇幅最长;这是时报社论在论证结构中的一大特色.
- I had to grant the reasonableness of his argument. 我必须承认他的论点有道理。
- This non sequitur invalidates his argument. 他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。
- After a long argument, he gave way. 经过长时间的辩论后,他让步了。
- His argument does not make sense. 他的争论没有意义。