- argillaceous sand stone [机] 泥砂石
- Mineral has gold, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, coal, oil, marble, limestone, sand stone, dolomite, quartz sand and so on. 矿产有金、镁、铜、磷、煤、石油、大理石、石灰石、紫砂石、白云石、石英砂等。
- Chief constituent: Silane / Siloxane/Organic FluorineApplication scope: It fits for marble, granite, slate, sand stone and silica stone. 详细内容: 渗入性防护剂重要成分:硅烷/硅氧烷/有机氟合用范围:合用于大理石、花儿岗岩、板岩、砂石及其他硅石,特别符合于美国白麻、山东白麻、天竺白金、虾橘红等,易出水斑、白华、泛碱石材。
- The Donghe sandstone member of Upper Devonian and the lower sand stone member of Silurian are the most potential exploration targets in this area. 其中东河砂岩段和志留系下砂岩段是塔中地区碎屑岩储层最具勘探潜力的目的层系。
- The burnability of four raw mixes, using of burned duns, micropowder of silica sand, mill tailings of silicate rock and sand stone, was tested. 用自燃煤矸石、石英砂超细粉、硅石尾矿和砂岩分别制备4种生料进行易烧性试验,结果表明是可以用工业废渣替代砂岩的。
- The overlying strata of the coal bed roof are dominated by sedimentary rocks such as shale,sand stone and limestone,whose physical and mechanic properties differ greatly. 煤层顶板覆岩一般以页岩、砂岩、灰岩等沉积岩为主,其物理力学性质差异很大。
- In the company there are many mines, such as blue limestone, Shandong grey, rust stone, yellow sand stone, white dot limestone, aga red and etc., which have rich deposit, complete mine body as well as convenient communication. 拥有天青石石灰岩、鲁灰、锈石、黄砂岩、雪花青、将军红等多座矿山,储量丰富,矿体完整,交通便利。
- Fluorinated polymers were applied to sand stone heritage in order to increase its compressive strength and consolidation as well as to enhance its resistance to desegregation by water. 摘要报道了用有机成聚合物渗透加固保护砂岩文物的研究,目的是提高文物的机械强度,队止或减缓水的侵蚀。
- This paper describes the geotechnical engineering research on the constraction of grouted block stone dam with local construction materials in the red sand stone distribution area,and creats a precedent of the constinction of dam using red sand stone. 本文通过工程实践阐述了在红砂岩分布地区利用当地材料建造浆砌块石坝的岩土工程研究,开创了红砂岩筑坝的先例。
- Through capillary pressure curve study of sand stone reservoir in beisheng area,tuha oilfield,a new approach to establish reservoir pore and throat volume distribution is put forward. 通过对吐哈油田胜北地区砂岩储层岩石毛管压力曲线研究,提出了建立储层孔喉体积分布预测模型的新途径。
- Systematically study “high capacity channel identification and shut off” techology has very important significance for improving the development of unconsolidated sand stone reservoirs in China. 系统深入地研究“大孔道识别与封堵”相关技术对于提高我国疏松砂岩油藏注水开发水平具有重要意义。
- Concrete is made of cement, sand, stone and water. 混凝土是由水泥,砂子石头和水混合做的。
- The annual reserve of sand stones in Hechuan is about 1.1 million tons while the reserve of gravels is more than 500 million tons. 合川砂石年均储藏量约110万吨,卵石资源储量达5亿吨以上。
- A stone hit the car and damaged the paintwork. 有个石子击到汽车上,打坏了漆面。
- I stubbed my toe on the stone: it was very painful. 我把脚踢到了石头上,疼极了。
- Ouch! The sand is so hot! I can burn my feet. 哎哟!沙子这么烫!会烫伤脚的。
- The sand blew into the food and made it gritty. 砂吹进食物中,里边尽是砂子。
- The nurse tell the child to spit out the stone. 褓姆叫孩子把果核吐出来。