- areal geological map 区域地质图
- For this reason it is often convenient to overlay the geochemical map with a geological map transparency. 由于这个缘故,最好用透明的地质图蒙在地球化学图上。
- Class B: areal geology survey; remote sensing geology exploration. 2901524乙级:区域地质调查;遥感地质勘查。
- Fig. 1 Geological map of the Sulu region and the location of the Chinese continental drilling site(modified from reference[ 8 ]). 图1苏鲁连云港地区的构造与大陆科学钻探孔区位置图(据文献[8]简化).
- Class A: areal geology survey;solid mineral exploration. 5032801甲级:区域地质调查;固体矿产勘查。
- Class B: areal geology survey; solid mineral exploration. 3855229乙级:区域地质调查;固体矿产勘查。
- Zunyi in Guizhou in 1940 to carry out geological work, etc., finish drawing the ancient site of China's first geological map. 1940年在贵州遵义等地开展地质工作,绘制完成我国第一幅古地质图。
- Class B: areal geology survey; gas mineral exploration. 乙级:区域地质调查;气体矿产勘查。
- Class A: areal geology survey; solid mineral exploration. 8261219甲级:区域地质调查;固体矿产勘查。
- This site features GSSR and provides general information about the profile, activities and organization.An interactive geological map of Slowakia is contained. 该站点以斯咯伐克共和国地质调查局有特色,提供了相关概括信息、活动安排、组织机构等介绍。
- This paper explains the technique and method of MAPGIS in plotting geological map,and proposes some measures for improving further the quality of map plotting. 本文主要叙述MAPGIS在地学制图上的技术和方法,同时,提出进一步提高地学图制图质量的措施和途径。
- The widest application is found in areal or general geologic mapping. 最广泛的应用见于地面的或普通的地质填图。
- As exemplified by resources prediction of gold and polymetals in Mian Lue Nin region, Shanxi province in China, it illustrates how to apply geological map information for... 文中以陕西勉略宁地区金及多金属的资源预测为实例,说明如何利用地质图信息进行空间思维与数字思维,从而实现区域资源潜力的快速评价,最后给出该区域资源潜力的分布图。
- Class B: areal geology survey; hydrogeology survey; liquid mineral exploration. 乙级:区域地质调查;水工环地质调查;液体矿产勘查。
- In recent years, new demands are needed urgently on mathematics fundament of geological map with the application of global positioning system (GPS) in uranium geological exploration. 近年来,随着全球卫星定位系统(GPS)在铀矿地质勘测中的应用,对地质图的数学基础方面提出了新的要求。
- Class B: areal geology survey; hydrogeology survey; engineering geology survey; environment geology survey. 乙级:区域地质调查;水文地质调查;工程地质调查;环境地质调查。
- The orefield structures of the Leqingla lead-zinc deposit in Lhunzhub, Xizang are examined on the basis of 1:50 000 Geological Map and geological engineering, geophysical and geochemical prospecting. 摘要通过1:5000矿区地质填图、5500立方公尺的山地工程揭露和物化探工作,基本查明了勒青拉铅锌矿床的控矿构造。
- Class B: areal geology survey; geophysical exploration; rock ore appraisal and testing. 乙级:区域地质调查;地球物理勘查;岩矿鉴定与岩矿测试。
- Class A: areal geology survey; solid mineral exploration; establish mineral exploration infrastructure. 2156050甲级:区域地质调查;固体矿产勘查;勘查工程施工。
- The metamorphosed and deformed tonalites are distinguished from the Archaean metamorphic strata (Jiaodong Group) by geological mapping(maP scale 1:50000)in the Qixia area. 通过1:5万栖霞幅地质填图,在太古界胶东群变质地层中划分出了经过变质变形的英云闪长岩体。