- area of ethnic group 民族地区
- Chief leaders of ethnic autonomous areas are citizens of the ethnic group or groups exercising regional autonomy in the area concerned. 民族自治地方的主要领导由自治民族的公民担任。
- The boundary of ethnic group change hinge on ethnic relation change which are influenced by ethnic culture effort. 族群边界的扩延与缩小,取决于族群文化张力大小所导致的族群关系的变动。
- Being a member of a particular ethnic group. 种族一员的作为一特定种族集团中的成员的
- The relationship of ethnic group, national relationship and social relationship are multidirection, unsymmetry and dynamic. 族群关系、民族关系与社会关系的关系具有多向性、非对称性和动态性的特点。
- A member of the predominant ethnic group of Iran. 法尔西人伊朗主要种族的一员
- After the war, Nanzhao made more adequate efforts in moving some ethnic groups into or out of this area, bringing about considerable changes in the allocations of ethnic groups. 铁桥之战使原迁徙到滇西北地区的吐蕃移民北移,战后南诏又采取强制手段将一些民族部落迁出、迁入滇西北地区,使这一地区民族分布出现了重大变化。
- Nowadays Legislation of ethnic group is strikingly different from that in the past.Its role playing in legal construction and operation has been gradually apparent. 今天的国家和民族立法大不同于以往,今天的民族立法制度在法制建设和法治运行中的功用日益显著。
- There are still large gaps in the employment rates of ethnic groups. 种族之间的雇佣率依然有很大差距。
- The first chapter delimits her area of research. 第一章阐明了她的研究领域。
- Lijiang 69 townships (towns), with an area of 20600 square km. Of the total population of 109 million people, there is Naxi, Yi, Lisu, Bai, Pumi, such as 22 kinds of ethnic minorities. 丽江地区共69个乡(镇),面积20600平方公里。总人口为109万人,有纳西、彝、傈僳、白、普米等22种少数民族。
- these songs are native to the three areas of the northwest which are home to a number of ethnic groups, including the Hui, Han, Sala, Bao'an, Dongxiang, Tu, Yugu and Tibetan. 是聚居于该 地区的回、汉、撒拉、保安、东乡、土、裕固、藏等民族用当地汉语方言传唱的一种山歌。
- All citizens in Tibet who have reached the age of 18 have the right to vote and stand for election,regardless of ethnic group,race,sex,occupation,family background,religious belief,education,property status or length of residence. 在西藏,年满18周岁的公民,不分民族、种族、性别、职业、家庭出身、宗教信仰、教育程度、财产状况和居住期限,都有选举权和被选举权。
- The hard outer portion or surface area of bread. 面包皮面包的表面区域的硬皮
- The area of this carpet is24 square feet. 这地毯的面积是24平方英尺。
- A member of the principal ethnic group of Hungary. 马札尔人匈牙利一个主要的少数民族
- His area of concentration is nuclear physics. 他的专门研究范围是原子物理学。
- Areas where a medley of ethnic groups once lived together are being ripped apart in tribal mayhem. 一些以前有多个种族生活在一起的地区现在被部族冲突搞得四分五裂。
- The group is organized by area of sale. 这个集团是按销售区域组织的。
- There are plenty of ethnic groups in any megapolis. With views like these, you should live in a village. 所有大都市都有多样的族群,根据这样的观点,你应该去住乡下。