- are you trying to be funny??wat a kido. 走到哪里不重要,家在哪里都可以,有你的地方就是家。
- Are you trying to hide something from me? 你是不是有什么事想瞒着我?
- Are you trying to make a fool of me? 你想把我当傻瓜吗?
- What point are you trying to get across? 你要叫人理解的要点是什么?
- Are you trying to skin the old lady? 你想骗老太太的钱吗?
- Why are you trying to place the blame on me? 你为什么竭力把责任强加于我?
- Are you trying to ruin me by giving away my money? 你想把我的钱白白送人来毁掉我吗?
- Are you trying to put one across me? 你想蒙我吧?
- What point are you trying to make? 你想说明哪一点?
- Are you trying to cut down on cigarettes? 你是要戒烟吗?
- What number are you trying to reach? 你要打的是什么号码?
- Are you trying to mend your kite? 你在试图修好你的风筝吗?
- Come on,cough it up! What are you trying to say? 快,说出来!你想说什么?
- What are you trying to say? Come on,spit it out! 你想要说什么?来,爽爽快快地说出来吧!
- Are you trying to retrieve All of what you once believed Are you ready to let go Are you ready to be free? 你尝试重拾曾经的信仰?你准备好了远走?你准备好了拥抱自由?
- What are you trying to insinuate? 你拐弯抹角想说什么?
- Are you trying to say you want rid of me? 你是在说要甩掉我吗?
- Exactly what are you trying to tell me? 你到底想对我说什么?
- Are you trying to drown someone, Ortega? 当Bill Bogan朝游泳池这边大踏步走过来时,我还在咳嗽,并且水花四溅。
- What are you trying to say, Harry? 你到底想说什么, harry?