- are surfaced indexing cam 弧面分度凸轮
- Sphere-conical roller arc surfaced indexing cam mechanism and the realization of engagement at its controllable point 球锥滚子弧面分度凸轮机构及其可控点啮合的实现
- camber surfaced indexing cam 弧面分度凸轮
- The towers are surfaced with steel plates. 在塔面上加了一层钢板。
- The figures of the globoid indexing cam"s skew surface are generated by utilizing the MATLAB software. 用MATLAB的绘图功能,得到了凸轮工作廓面的形状,在此基础上,分析了凸轮廓面的曲率,为刀位规划时选择刀具提供依据。
- Fish were surfacing to catch insects. 鱼浮到水面上捕捉昆虫。
- The indexing cam was in the rear derailleur rather than the shift lever. 分度凸轮的是在后方变速器,而不是变速杆。
- The rocks were surfaced from the deep cave. 从深洞里挖出的岩石被送到了地面。
- The shipwreck has been surfaced. 沉船已被打捞上来了。
- Machining of the indexing cam with the technology of computer aided manufacturing is studied. 本文研究利用计算机辅助制造(CAM)技术加工间歇分度凸轮。
- These parts are surface mount inductors. 表面贴装电感器。
- According to principle of spatial mesh, this paper derives synthetical equations of cylindrical indexing cam surface. 根据空间啮合原理,推导了圆柱分度凸轮廓面的综合方程式。
- The scenes I dreamed of are surfacing one by one. 梦中的情景一个接一个地浮现出来.
- The structures and the engagement principle and the performances on the spherical envelope worm indexing cam mechanism are discussed. 介绍了其结构形式,推导了分度盘上球面齿廓方程、啮合方程、球面包络蜗杆分度凸轮廓面方程,最后指出了这种新型球面包络蜗杆分度凸轮机构优良的结构特性
- The scandal about the president was surfaced in the firm. 公司中的每个人都知道了公司总裁的丑闻。
- NC machining program was generated after solid modeling with UG, and NC machining of the globoid indexing cam could be implemented. UG实体造型完成后生成数控加工程序,实现对弧面分度凸轮的数控加工。
- Indexing cam mechanism is the core of roost of automation machineries, whose dynamics plays an important role on whole property of machine. 摘要分度凸轮机构是大多数自动机械中的核心环节,其动力学特性对机器的整体性能起到关键的作用。
- So in this paper, wehave studied the NC grinding technology of globoidal indexing cam's profile with NC millerand super-speed pneumatic bistrique. 本文利用专用数控铣床,配置高速气动磨头,对弧面分度凸轮轮廓面的数控磨削工艺进行了研究。
- Unconformities are surfaces of erosion or non-deposition. 不整合面是侵蚀面或无沉积面。
- Controllability and degree of controllability for indexing cam mechanism are investigated, which is important for the dynamic properties of indexing cam. 对分度凸轮机构在不同阶段的能控性和能控性程度进行研究。