- I found this old map in the family archives. 我在家谱中发现了这幅旧地图。
- I am studying personnel management. 我正攻读人事学。
- To Whom Should the ownership of Personnel Archives Belong? 人事档案所有权到底该归谁?
- Personnel, especially enlisted military personnel. 军队士兵人员,尤指参加军事部队的成员
- My leader asked to find him an ancient document in the archives. 我的上级要我给他在档案里找一份老掉牙的文件。
- She's the head of the firm's personnel department. 她是公司人事部门的负责人。
- The museum's Civil War archives are valuable. 这个博物馆里有关内战的档案弥足珍贵。
- archives personnel 档案人员
- A rotation of personnel; crop rotation. 员工的轮流替换; 农作物的轮作
- The company's archives goes back to its foundation in1892. 该公司的档案可追溯至其创建的1892年。
- The company's main problem is the shortage of skilled personnel. 这家公司的主要问题是缺少有技术的人员。
- Please contact the personnel director for benefit information. 有关福利方面的情况请与人事课长联系。
- Technicians and pharmacists are paramedical personnel. 技术员和药剂师都是医事辅助人员。
- Personnel is/are organizing the training of the new members of staff. 人事部门正在组织新雇员的培训。
- Army personnel are often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population. 军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来。
- Mine the archives for detailed information. 在档案中寻找详细的资料
- He eked out some information from the archives. 他从档案室挤出一些情报。
- American foreign policy; the company's personnel policy. 美国的对外政策; 该公司的人事政策
- College in archives management or related. 档案管理或相关专业大专以上。
- The BBC's archives are bulging with material. 英国广播公司的档案库材料极其丰富。