- Small, old, dingy.An arched window with a view of Congress Street.Traffic noise floats up. 窄小、破旧、脏乱,一扇朝向议会大街的窗子,街道的嘈杂声传上来。
- The pastor at St.Vincent's Cathedral stands in the belfry, tries to coax the birds into the arched window. 圣文森教堂的牧师站在钟楼里,想把鸟儿诱入拱窗。
- No matter what type of fire field fireplace ,have available straight or arched windows for you to choose. 不论是那种火域类型的壁炉,都有平直或拱形前窗可供您选择。
- Built in Victorian style, the building is a rectangular two-storey plastered brick structure characterised by arched windows and long verandahs. 天文台属维多利亚式建筑,楼高两层,呈长方形,其拱形窗和长廊更别具特色。
- Just after he had turned the inner angle of the edifice, he observed that he was coming to some arched windows, where he perceived a light. 他刚走过那建筑物靠里一端的墙角,看见面前有几扇圆顶窗,窗子还亮着。
- The whole temple built with white marble, the roof has a 1.40 Xuanli towers, arched windows and the threshold gate rich color of Islam. 全寺用白色大理石建成,屋顶四角建有宣礼塔,拱形的门槛和窗栅极富伊斯兰教色彩。
- The big pointed arch windows on 2nd floor are set in a line and adopt the symbol of大卫星which is unique to Rabbinic Religion. 二楼尖券窗一字排开,尖券顶窗使用希伯莱教独有的“大卫星”符号。
- The boy got a good beating for breaking the window. 那男孩因打碎窗玻璃而被狠狠打了一顿。
- The cat arched its back in anger. 那只猫气得拱起了腰。
- The boys were spitting out of the train window. 那些男孩子向火车窗外吐口水。
- The arch has a span of 60 metres. 那个拱的跨度为60米。
- The putty gives a good seal round the window. 窗户四周泥的油灰密封效果很好。
- The trees outside the window blocked off the sun. 窗外的树木挡住了阳光。
- The boy walks through the undecorated arch. 那男孩走过未经装饰的拱门。
- The fresh air blew in from the open window. 新鲜空气从开着的窗户吹进来。
- The cat arched its back when it saw the dog. 那猫看见狗时就拱起了背。
- The window was all smeared after the rain. 下过雨后窗户都脏了。
- The high fly ball arched toward the stands. 高高飞起的球成弧形飞向看台
- She painted the window sills a bright colour. 她把窗台漆上鲜艳的颜色。
- Tall trees arched across the river. 高大的树木成拱形横跨过那条河。