- The arch of short hairs covering this ridge. 眉毛覆盖于眉上的拱状短毛
- The trees overhung the brook forming an arch of branches. 那些树伸向小溪上,形成一道树枝的拱门。
- The vast arch of cloud above was strangely low. 彤云密布的天穹低得出奇。
- arch of throw 投篮曲线
- The goalkeeper was convicted of throwing a game. 守门员因故意输掉比赛而被判有罪。
- B: A throw is the action of throwing the ball out in baseball. 棒球里面的投掷动作。
- What does the act of throwing consist of? 投掷动作由什么构成?
- The trees overhang the street to form an arch of branches. 树木突出于街道上面形成一道树枝的拱门。
- She stopped short of throwing out the old photo. 她差点要把旧照片扔掉了
- The act or manner of throwing or discharging. 投出,放出投掷或发出的行为或方式
- An arch of the bridge in the park has been sapped and sopped away. 猎园里的那座桥有一个桥洞被水冲毁,而且被冲走了。
- The act of throwing a fishing line. 投钓线投放一根钓线的动作
- Surgical removal of the posterior arch of a vertebra. 椎板切除术切除脊椎后弓的手术
- The act or an instance of throwing. 丢扔的动作或事例
- The centre of Paris,the Arch of Triumph, rays out into twelve busy streets. 从巴黎市中心凯旋门延伸出十二条繁华的大街通向四面八方。
- At one stage he talked of throwing up his job in advertising-but nothing much came of it. 他曾一度想过辞去他的广告工作,但没有什么结果。
- Here, the arch of a ruined mansion frames the burned remains of city hall. 这里一个一座大厦被烧毁后留下的拱门然人想起但是的城市。
- We made ourselves as snug as our means allowed in the arch of the dresser. 我们在柜子的圆拱里面尽量把自己弄得挺舒服。
- He has this irritating habit of throwing his things around. 他有个可气的习惯,就是把他的东西随便乱扔。
- He stepped away from the arch of the doorway, closing the door behind him. 他从门口的门拱走了出来,关上了身后的门。