- So it was that he had his first sight of snow. 就那样,他第一次见到了雪。
- The weight of snow collapsed the roof. 积雪的重压使屋顶倒塌了。
- The arch of short hairs covering this ridge. 眉毛覆盖于眉上的拱状短毛
- An abnormal amount of snow fell here last week. 上周这里下了异常大的雪。
- The valley was covered with a blanket of snow. 山谷白雪如毯。
- The mountain was covered with a mantle of snow. 山上覆盖着一层雪。
- The trees overhung the brook forming an arch of branches. 那些树伸向小溪上,形成一道树枝的拱门。
- A mass of snow and rock break away and fall on the climber. 一堆积雪和岩石突然崩落到登山者的身上。
- The vast arch of cloud above was strangely low. 彤云密布的天穹低得出奇。
- There was a bank of snow over ten feet deep in there. 那里有一堆深达十英尺多的雪。
- A mass of snow and rock broke away and fell on the climbers. 一堆积雪和岩石突然崩落到登山者的身上。
- The amount of snow this year has been below average. 今年的降雪量低於平均水平。
- He put a shovelful of snow in Kate's bed as a practical joke. 他把一铲雪放在凯特的床上,以此来开玩笑。
- The mountain wind took off as much as three inches of snow overnight. 山风一夜间刮走了足足三英寸厚的积雪。
- The hills were salted with a light fall of snow. 这些小山被一层薄雪覆盖着。
- The grind is covered in a pristine layer of snow. 地上覆盖著一层皑皑积雪。
- I never think of snow but I think of my youth. 一想到下雪,我就会想起我的青年时代。
- The ground was covered in a pristine layer of snow. 地上覆盖着一层皑皑积雪.
- There is every appearance of snow. 看来是一定要下雪了。
- The trees overhang the street to form an arch of branches. 树木突出于街道上面形成一道树枝的拱门。