- arch ecological protection 小拱架生态防护
- Enhancing ecological protection and construction in key areas ? 加强重点区域的生态保护和建设。
- Enhancing ecological protection and construction in key areas? 加强重点区域的生态保护和建设。
- Egina ecological protection has established spywares! 建立额济纳生态保护区己刻不容缓!
- Prioritize ecological protection and build an ecological civilization! 建生态环境,发展生态经济,培育生态文化!
- Natural grassland is rationally utilized and the active grassland ecological protection is effective. 天然草地得到合理利用,草原生态保护积极有效。
- Construction of water and soil conservation and ecological protection projects has been accelerated. 水土保持生态环境工程速度加快。
- Betsy Damon,the well known American specialist on water re-source and ecological protection is one of them. 这其中就有多年关注北京水系统规划的美国知名的水资源生态保护专家贝茜·达蒙女士。
- The forest-worship of the Dais did have positive effects on ecological protection. 傣族的山林崇拜对生态保护具有积极意义。
- And the poor ecological protection concept will lead the land consolidation and rehabilitation into the mistaking area. 生态保护观念淡薄导致土地整理走入误区;
- Effects of forestland mode on ecological health and ecological protection along the Grand Canal in Yangzhou were studied. 对扬州古运河风光带营建的生态保健型、生态环保型林地模式的环境效益指标进行了测定。
- Chicheng County landscape dependency and Beijing is Beijing's drinking water resource base, ecological protection barrier, green food supply base. 赤城县与北京山水相依,是北京的饮用水资源基地、生态保护屏障、绿色食品供应基地。
- Ecopolitics is the political effort that people make for the protection of ecological environment and all activities that government develops about the ecological protection. 生态政治是人们为保护生态环境所作的政治努力,是政府围绕生态保护开展的所有活动。
- Exploitation of water-soil and ecological protection are antinomy ens,and how to correspond development is a question for discussion for the subject of environment protection now. 水土资源的开发和生态环境保护是一对矛盾统一体,如何协调发展是当今环保学科的重要课题。
- The existing problems of Bao Tou city ecological environment are summarized,the measures are put forward according to current situation of ecological protection and management. 本文在对包头市生态环境现状存在的问题进行了概述,并重点针对目前生态环境保护与管理提出了对策措施。
- The arch has a span of 60 metres. 那个拱的跨度为60米。
- WT is not only a tourism activity bases on wetland resources, but also it is a pattern oftourism exploitation founds on strongly ecological protection consciousness on wetland. 湿地旅游是以湿地为资源基础的旅游活动,具有强烈湿地生态保护意识的一种旅游开发模式。
- The boy walks through the undecorated arch. 那男孩走过未经装饰的拱门。
- Ecology protection; "hot"experience but "cold"treatment for Xianshan villa. 保护生态 香山别墅"热"遭遇"冷"处理