- arca vitellina 卵黄区
- S. 12-Month Oil Fund (NYSE Arca:USL). 不是简单地持有近一个月的期货合约,USL产品在未来12个月的每一个月内拥有相同地位的期货合约。
- Arca was founded by John Lee after leaving Grimshaw in 1998. 方舟是由约翰李离开格里姆肖在1998年。
- Usually he places metal pipes in the arca that is to beburned. 通常他会在预定要燃烧的地方铺设金属管。
- Arca's Silver Cafe on the promenade in Morecambe is now complete. 方舟的银咖啡厅的长廊,在莫克姆现已完成。
- All had horrific existences before ending up at El Arca. 这些动物在最后被送到“方舟”之前全都有过恐怖的际遇。
- ARCA Swiss B1 + Hasselblad 快拆座.....才标225 buy it now... 看!回到家就没了.....被买走了
- Springiness and resilience of boiled Arca subcrenata were the strongest. 煮熟的毛蚶弹性和恢复度最强。
- Finally, Julio Arca will be the first to desert the shipwreck that is Sunderland. Aston Villa have thrown him a life jacket. 最后,艾卡将被桑德兰卖出,他也同时是第一个被抛售的球员,阿斯顿维拉将迎接他的到来。
- The National Museum is also known as Gedung Gajah (Elephant House) or Gedung Arca (House of Statues). 国家博物馆也叫Gedung Gajah(大象之房)或Gedung Arca(雕像之房)。
- Generally speaking this would not cause any stability problems if the plates are Arca Swiss compatible. 如果净换板会唔会有接合位不稳问题?
- IT will be a case of taking one step at a time when Boro assess the latest position with Julio Arca's injury this week. 这是米堡评估下周朱里奥-阿尔卡伤势是否能出现在最新阵容每一步的实例。
- This papcr probed the current situation,dam-age,cause and policy ofcontrol of soil crosion in this arca. 本文就该地区水土流失的现状、危害,对其成因及治理对策作了探讨。
- E posero l’arca di Dio sopra un carro nuovo, levandola dalla casa di Abinadab;e Uzza ed Ahio conducevano il carro. 于是大卫把以色列众人,从埃及的西曷河直到哈马口,都招聚来,要把 神的约柜从基列.耶琳运来。
- Quando quelli che portavan l’arca dell’Eterno avean fatto sei passi, s’immolava un bue ed un vitello grasso. 耶和华的约柜在迦特人俄别.以东的家停留了三个月,耶和华赐福给俄别.以东和他的全家。
- It’s simply a normal day at El Arca, which includes getting up close and personal with the “residents. 塞拉玢是在进行每日例行的巡查,探视大约275只野生动物,它们将这艘名副其实的诺亚方舟当作自己的家。
- This paper discusses the probable function of the humoral lectin from the bloody clam (?Arca suberenata?), i.e.ASL in its defensive mechanism. 用甲状腺球蛋白琼脂糖4B亲和层析毛蚶( Arca subcrenata )体液来克丁(ASL)。
- E sopra l’arca, i cherubini della gloria, che adombravano il propiziatorio. Delle quali cose non possiamo ora parlare partitamente. 柜的上面有荣耀的基路伯罩着施恩座,关于这一切,现在不能一一细说了。
- SUNDERLAND star Julio Arca says he is having a nightmare time in the North East, as he spends too much time on his own and hates the weather. 桑德兰球星朱利奥。阿尔卡说他现在在英格兰东北部地区的生活简直就是恶梦,因为他不得不花太多时间一个人呆着,还有,当地的天气太令人讨厌了。
- Jeth used his power of the light to smother Queen Amanoa's darkness.The dark side momentarily defeated, Arca declared Ulic's first mission a failure. 阿卡利用他的力量抑制阿玛诺拉皇后的黑暗面,黑暗面于是短暂地被击败了,阿卡也宣布乌立克的首次任务失败。