- arc Length Tool 弧度工具
- A easy and feasible method to precisely measuring arc length on part's convexity is introduced in this paper. 介绍了一种精确测量零件凸面弧长的较简便易行的方法。
- The experiments show that the system can complete synergic control and arc length control. 实验结果表明:该系统能够实现协同控制和弧长控制,具有操作简便和适应性强的特点。
- Then put the ruler on the surface of part's convexity and measure the arc length also with the numerical reading microscope. 之后将该标尺附于要测量的凸面上,再次利用读数显微镜并根据标尺校准值测出凸面弧长。
- An improved algorithm based on the equal arc length method is presented to solve substitutive arc parameters of spline hob curve section. 提出一种基于等弧长法的改进算法,用于求解花键滚刀理论齿形的代用圆弧参数。
- This paper presents the original well bottom model and PDC bits model, and two concepts are defined: contacting arc length and threshold WOB. 为方便分析,假设了原井底模型和PDC钻头模型,定义了接触弧长和门限钻压两个概念。
- Itanalyzes systemically the influence of wire feed speed, melting rate andthe variations of droplet on arc length, and founds its mathematical model. 系统地分析了送丝速度、熔化率、熔滴的变化对弧长的影响,并建立了其数学模型。
- APPLICATON:Straight edge,irregualar curve edge,with adjustabie speed feeding coder calculates arc length, auto-cutting function. 功能:可以直边、不规则边带有料无级调速、带有编码计算弧形长度自动切断功能。
- Method 120 trapeziometacarpal joint surfaces were measured with vernier caliper,the arc length and the curveture of the surface were calculated. 方法成年尸体上肢60例(120侧),分离第一掌骨和大多角骨并在关节面建立测点,游标卡尺测量,计算关节面弧长和曲率。
- Because arc length of trajectory is regarded as the variant in geodesics based method, it possesses the advantages of non-time based trajectory planning at the same time. 本文的基于测地线的轨迹规划是以轨迹弧长作为参考变量的,因此它还具有非时间参考的机器人轨迹规划的优点。
- Arc length control function ensures the key to welding quality, eslecially the tube size andwall thickness, when the tubes are full position automatic TIG welding. 管子全位置自动TIG焊时,弧长控制功能是确保焊接质量的关键,尤其在管径、壁厚公差大时,更显重要。
- Some geometric data of ellipse in hyperbolic space are considered, such as set inclusion, arc length, geodesic curvature, curvature, area and total curvature. 在双曲空间中,考察椭圆的包含关系,对弧长元素、测地曲率、曲率、面积及全曲率等几何量做出细致考察。
- Some geometric data of ellipse in hyperbolic space are considered,such as set inclusion,arc length,geodesic curvature,curvature,area and total curvature. 在双曲空间中,考察椭圆的包含关系,对弧长元素、测地曲率、曲率、面积及全曲率等几何量做出细致考察。
- Abstract: Based on the arc length formulae of the parallel to the easement curve and its property, this paper gives the parameter equations of the parallel to the easement curve takiing the arc length itself as variable. 文摘:基于缓和曲线平行线弧长公式及其性质,给出了缓和曲线平行线以其自身弧长为变量的参数方程。
- What is more,because this system shares the same set of computer hardware and actuating mechanism with the system of automatic arc length control,nearly no more cost will be increased. 该系统具有控制精度高 ,可以很好地解决接触引弧过程中出现的夹钨等缺陷问题 ,更为优越的是该系统与弧长自动控制系统共用一套计算机硬件电路和执行机构 ,仅增加部分程序 ,几乎不增加成本
- Combined with the engineering example, the computing formula and method are analyzed from many aspects, such as the values of axis, arc length, chord length and vector height and other key elements. 框架 -剪力墙曲面结构建筑物的施工 ,梁、板、墙等各种曲面的控制尤为关键 ,结合工程实例就其轴线、弧长、弦长、矢高等要素在施工过程中 ,对其计算公式的确定与方法进行了分析。
- The effects of cutting area,contact arc length,the geometry of cutting face,back dip angle of PDC cutter and rock performance on force of PDC cutter breaking rock were simulated experimentally. 试验模拟了切削面积、接触弧长、切削面形状、切削齿后倾角和岩石性能对PDC切削齿破岩受力的影响。
- Measure and display line lengths, areas, perimeters, volume, wall areas, arc lengths, radius and diameter without the use of a PC. 测量和显示线长度,地区,周长,体积,墙领域,电弧长度,半径和直径,而无需使用电脑。
- Joan of Arc was one of France's greatest daughters. 圣女贞德是法国最伟大的女性之一。
- A dynamic programming approach is good for this problem. For further improvement, it can be combined with a shortest path algorithm for graphs with nonnegative arc lengths. 一个好的做法是动态规划。如果要进一步优化的话,可以结合一个应用于无负权弧的图的最短路算法。