- First the parties conclude an arbitration agreement. 先提交仲裁协议。
- The arbitration agreement is the entire cornerstone of arbitration system. 仲裁协议是整个仲裁制度的基石。
- It really depends on what the parties have agreed between themselves and stipulate in their arbitration agreement. 这实际上就要看双方之间的协议,看他们在仲裁协议里是怎么规定的。
- Where the parities conclude an arbitration agreement, that shall promptly apply for arbitration. 当事人之间有仲裁协议的,应当及时申请仲裁。
- Does that mean we can specify an arbitration institution after reaching an arbitration agreement by two parties? 意思是在双方达成仲裁协议时,就能够具体地指定仲裁机构了?
- The focus matter of Applicable Law to Arbitration Agreement is the validity of Arbitration Agreement. 仲裁协议法律适用的中心问题,是仲裁协议的有效性问题。
- If a party applies for arbitration while an arbitration agreement does not exist, the BAC will not accept the case. 没有仲裁协议,一方申请仲裁的,仲裁委员会不予受理。
- Article 110 The parties to a venture shall apply for arbitration in accordance with the relevant written arbitration agreement. 第一百一十条 合营各方根据有关仲裁的书面协议,提请仲裁。
- The arbitration shall proceed notwithstanding an objection to the arbitration agreement and/or jurisdiction over the arbitration case. 当事人对仲裁协议和仲裁案件管辖权提出异议的,不影响仲裁程序的进行。
- This may be unnecessarily excessive as under specific circumstances a consumer may actually consent to such a pre-dispute arbitration agreement. 而欧盟法则明文禁止在消费契约中订立争端前仲裁条款,使此种仲裁协议无法被执行。
- Apeople's court shall not accept an action initiated by one of the parties if the parties have concluded an arbitration agreement, unless the arbitration agreement is invalid. 当事人达成仲裁协议,一方向人民法院起诉的,人民法院不予受理,但仲裁协议无效的除外。
- The objections raised to the arbitration agreement or jurisdiction over the arbitration case shall not affect the process of the arbitration proceedings. 对仲裁协议或仲裁案件管辖权提出抗辩不影响仲裁程序的进行。
- The party applying for arbitration shall submit to an arbitration commission the arbitration agreement, an application for arbitration and copies thereof. 第二十二条当事人申请仲裁,应当向仲裁委员会递交仲裁协议、仲裁申请书及副本。
- Maritime evidence preservation shall not be restrained by a jurisdiction agreement or an arbitration agreement relating to the maritime claim as agreed upon between the parties. 第六十四条海事证据保全不受当事人之间关于该海事请求的诉讼管辖协议或者仲裁协议的约束。
- If the parties contest the validity of the arbitration agreement, the objection shall be made before the start of the first hearing of the arbitration tribunal. 当事人对仲裁协议的效力有异议,应当在仲裁庭首次开庭前提出。
- A maritime injunction shall not be restrained by a jurisdiction agreement or an arbitration agreement relating to the maritime claim as agreed upon between the parties. 第五十三条海事强制令不受当事人之间关于该海事请求的诉讼管辖协议或者仲裁协议的约束。
- Arbitration agreement plays a very crucial part in arbitration laws , arbitration rules, arbitration procedure and the relationship between arbitration and litigation. 仲裁协议在仲裁法、仲裁规则、仲裁程序以及仲裁和诉讼的关系上扮演着非常重要的角色,也是当事人在订立合同时应当认真考虑的实质性问题之一。
- When determining the enforceability issue, the validity of an arbitration agreement, the severability doctrine, and the unconscionability doctrine are to be taken into account. 如何认定网路消费仲裁协议之执行力,有深入探讨之必要。
- The CFTC requires, however, that each customer individually examine the relative merits of arbitration and that you consent to the arbitration agreement by voluntary. 但是CFTC要求每一客户单独审察仲裁的相对优点,且自愿同意签订本仲裁协议。
- Article 5 The CIETAC shall have the power to determine the existence and validity of an arbitration agreement and its jurisdiction over an arbitration case. 第五条仲裁委员会有权对仲裁协议的存在、效力以及仲裁案件的管辖权做出决定。