- This is an arbitrary decision. 这是个武断的决定。
- He makes unpredictable, arbitrary decisions. 他做的决定难以预料,主观武断。
- A good judge does not make arbitrary decisions. 一个优秀的法官不会作武断的判决。
- He makes unpredictable,arbitrary decisions. 他做的决定难以预料,主观武断。
- Henry's arbitrary decision to fire Bill Winn was nothing more than a clumsy and indirect attack on Lee Iacocca. 享利解雇比尔?温的蛮横决定不过是对李?雅科卡的一种笨拙的间接的打击而已。
- When he is confronted with a dilemma, he usually makes an arbitrary decision by throwing a coin. 当他进退两难时,总是采用抛硬币的方法来任意做出一个决定。
- And sometimes arbitrary decisions can be the most fun. 有时任意作出的决定可能是最大的乐趣。
- It is wrong to indulge in arbitrary decisions and peremptory actions and to ignore our allies. 那种独断专行,把同盟者置之不理的态度,是不对的。
- To make a unilateral or arbitrary decision 擅作主张
- marriage upon arbitrary decision by a third party 包办婚姻
- There is huge scope in the system for local officials to make arbitrary decisions that change the terms of land use without providing adequate compensation. 对地方官员来说,他们有巨大的空间进行任意决策,改变土地使用的条件,而无须提供足够的补偿。
- In many other matters we seem to be practicing more democracy than before,when in fact authoritarian practices,arbitrary decisions made and peremptory actions taken by a few people or an individual are all too common. 另外有许多事情,形式上似乎比过去民主,但在实际上,命令主义、少数人或个人独断专横的现象却是十分严重的。
- We should firmly avoid making arbitrary decisions and taking peremptory actions in violation of democratic centralism on the one hand,and weak and incompetent leadership on the other. 坚决克服违反民主集中制原则的个人独断专行和软弱涣散现象。
- We should firmly avoid making arbitrary decisions and taking peremptory actions in violation of democratic centralism on the one hand, and weak and incompetent leadership on the other. 坚决克服违反民主集中制原则的个人独断专行和软弱涣散现象。
- In many other matters we seem to be practicing more democracy than before, when in fact authoritarian practices, arbitrary decisions made and peremptory actions taken by a few people or an individual are all too common. 另外有许多事情,形式上似乎比过去民主,但在实际上,命令主义、少数人或个人独断专横的现象却是十分严重的。
- We should firmly avoid making arbitrary decisions and taking peremptoryactions in violation of democratic centralism on the one hand, and weak and incompetent leadership on the other. 坚决克服违反民主集中制原则的个人独断专行和软弱涣散现象。
- Sherman recommended that Clarke be disciplined, but higher-ups rejected the idea. 谢尔曼建议对克拉克进行纪律惩戒,但高层拒绝了这个意见。
- He pushed her into making a decision. 他催促她做出决定。
- His decision is made us feeling regretful. 他的决定令人感到遗憾。
- The panel brought in a unanimous decision. 全体陪审员一致通过了一项决定。