- On the Uniqueness of the Best Approximation by Polynomial in Quadratic Norm of a Function 函数最佳平方逼近多项式是否唯一
- According to real tested data,it builds up CVC cambering curve equation by polynomial regression. 根据实测数据,采用多项式回归方法,建立CVC辊形曲线方程,并探讨了该方程的重要实际意义。
- The true temperature field is approximated by iterations with this formula. 用这个公式进行重复演算,就可以趋近于真正的温度
- In this paper, the judgement of existing solution to circulant linear equations set and the solutions under all kinds of circumstances are presented by polynomial matrix theory. 摘要利用多项式矩阵理论,给出了循环线性方程组有解的判定并求出各种情况下的解。
- Autofluorescence is subtracted from the raw spectrum by polynomial fitting and skin Raman spectrum is then smoothed for further analysis. 利用多项式拟合的方法扣除荧光背景,对其进行平滑和滤噪,并对拉曼峰进行了归属和指认。
- According to real tested data,it builds up CVC cambering curve equation by polynomial regression.This paper discusses practical significance of the equation. 根据实测数据,采用多项式回归方法,建立CVC辊形曲线方程,并探讨了该方程的重要实际意义。
- We also describe an algorithm that allows the reconstruction and the approximation by dimensionality reduction for the original information. 还描述了一种算法,用以维数压缩对原始信息重新构造和逼近。
- The relation between the chlorinity and porosity may be approximated by a hyperbola. 含氯量和孔隙度之间的关系图式也许近似于一条双曲线。
- Any continuous curve can be closely approximated by a series of small parabolic segments. 任一连续曲线可以借一系列很小的抛物线线段较精密地近似表示。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。
- British colonies were ruled by governors. 英国的殖民地由总督统治。
- The dependence of the scattering parameters on the incident angle caused by horizontal orientation of ice crystals is approximated by the Legendre polynomial expansion of zero and second order. 文中用零阶和二阶Legendre多项式的展开式来近似表示由于冰粒子水平取向所引起的散射参数随入射角的变化。
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 军队因战败而士气消沉。
- The bride was given away by her father. 由父亲把新娘交与新郎。
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。
- At the same time, image distortion is corrected by polynomial to handle expediently and the method of selecting reference points and the factor of influencing precision is discussed. 为了提高测量的易用性,标定过程中采用多项式来校正图像的畸变,并讨论了控制点的选取方法和影响标定精度的因素。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- His disease was complicated by pneumonia. 他的病因肺炎并发症而变得更严重。
- This paper presents an efficient algorithm for the implicitization of parametric curves defined by polynomial parametric equations, which is mainly based on the theory of matrices. 摘要 给出了多项式参数方程定义的参数曲线的有效隐式化算法,此算法主要是基于矩阵理论。
- The question was decided by referendum. 这问题是由全民投票决定的。