- approximately commercial value 概算的出售价格,概算的市场价格
- These are samples. They have no commercial value. 这边的这些东西都是样品,它们并无商业价值。
- The prescription has commercial value because it is secret. 该处方因其属于秘密而具有商业价值。
- The contents of this parcel is a sample of no commercial value. 这件包裹里面是无商业价值的样本。
- Tha all is a province of China.The commercial value is big! 上网主要还是看图文,很大气的很实用的一个网。
- Says in the enterprise is the commercial value manifests fully! 在企业来讲就是商业价值的充分体现!
- Her novels are well written and they have good commercial value as well. 她的小说写得很好,销路也不错。
- Forested land, especially land containing timber of commercial value. 林地尤指长有具商业价值木材的林地
- "To them, much one shows a chance, actually outspread its commercial value. “对他们来说,多了一个展现机会,实际上扩张了它的商业价值。”
- Photographs For Exhibition Only. To be returned to sender, No Commercial Value. 国际摄影展览之照片,展毕退还原作者,无商业价值。
- If it is a commercial shipment with a commercial value, you will need a commercial invoice. 如果货件属於具商业价值的商业运件,便需备有商业发票。
- Thus, China's network flows appear high, factually most of them are garbage flows, and without commercial value. 因此中国的网络流量看似很大,其实大部分都是垃圾流量,没有商用价值。
- Thus, China's network flows appear high , factually most of them are garbage flows, and without commercial value. 因此中国的网络流量看似很大,其实大部分都是垃圾流量,没有商用价值。
- Because the ratfish had no commercial value, the captain allowed me to take it home for study. 由于鼠鱼没有商业价值,船长让我带回家研究。
- This kind of video does not have commercial value, unfruitful raise bandwidth cost. 这类视频没有商业价值,又徒然增加带宽成本。
- Goat of alleged and blooded cloth with soft nap is to point to can produce the goat that has commercial value. 所谓纯种绒山羊是指能生产具有商业价值的山羊。
- How does this kind of impulsion's root lie in the baidu to let its huge user have the commercial value. 这种冲动的根源在于百度如何让其庞大的用户产生商业价值。
- For business reasons, the sellers may not want to reveal the actual commercial value of the goods to the buyers upon delivery. 出于一些商业原因,在向客户交付货物时,销售商通常不愿意向客户透露商品的实际价值。
- This page will teach you how to complete a proforma or non-business use invoice (for a non-commercial shipment with no commercial value). 本页将指导您如何正确填写形式(发票)或非商业用途发票(对于不具有商业价值的非商业快件而言)。
- The time is approximately ten o'clock. 这会儿约莫十点钟。