- approach of artistic creation 创作方法
- The essential truth of history cannot become the basis of artistic creation. 历史的本质真实不能成为艺术创作的根据。
- If commercial art often injures the spirit of artistic creation, political art is sure to kill it. 如果商业化的艺术常常伤害了艺术的创造,那么,政治化的艺术一定会毁灭了艺术的创造。
- If commercial art often injures the spirit of artistic creation,political art is sure to kill it. 如果商业化的艺术常常伤害了艺术的创造,那么,政治化的艺术一定会毁灭了艺术的创造。
- Simple trend: from the abstract expressionism of the idea of artistic creation, the "less is more" for the best. 简约风尚:源于抽象表现主义的艺术创作理念,以“少即是多”为精粹。
- In the field of artistic creation, there is a well-known Beijing Pilu Temple murals. 在艺术创作领域,著名的有上京毗卢寺壁画。
- Politics cannot be equated with art,nor can a general world outlook be equated with a method of artistic creation and criticism. 政治并不等于艺术,一般的宇宙观也并不等于艺术创作和艺术批评的方法。
- Every should have his own special character .Of corse ,the course of acquiring this character is doubtlessly one of artistic creation. 每个人都应该具有自己的特殊品格.;当然;获得这一品格的过程;无疑也是一种艺术创造过程
- Benjamin's theory of aurar is shaped in the course of his study of human art forms with the approach of artistic anthropology. 本杰明的韵论就是在他用艺术人类学的方法对人类艺术形式问题进行研究的过程中形成的。
- In practice, our freedom of artistic creation, so that our works of art, in order to bring us a better life mannose-like culture and art to enjoy! 我们在实践中,进行我们自由的艺术创作,让我们的艺术作品,为大家美好的生活带来甘露般的文化气息与艺术享受!
- The construction of the image of facial sketch is the practice of artistic creation under the guidance of the expressive aesthetics. 脸谱的意象营构正是在表情体验指导下,将所获得的审美理想付诸艺术创造的具体实践。
- The use of distance emphasises the artificiality of artistic creation, the insurmountable barrier that separates art from life. 距离感的运用恰到好处的突出了人工设计和创作的心思,这也是现实生活和艺术之间不可逾越的屏障分隔。
- In the course of artistic creation and appreciation,this abstraction results in fuzziness and a vast reservoir of fuzzy aesthetics. 从艺术创造和欣赏剖析,抽象引发模糊性,作品的模糊性蕴藏着无尽的模糊美。
- While some foreign artist before him used broadside pencils for sketches, no one before Kuang treated pencil broadsides as a formal means of artistic creation. 三、宽笔铅笔画是一种新画种。
- Snow announced the approach of winter. 雪宣告了冬季的来临。
- The main approaches of Artistic metaphor are active metaphoric approach, existential metaphor and potential metaphor. 艺术隐喻的主要方法有主动隐喻法、存在性隐喻法和可能性隐喻法。
- The combination of the ancient fine arts witchery and the irrational western styles of artistic creation, characterized by exaggeration and mosaic, makes it possible for the new form of the modern fine arts to come into being. 原始美术的巫术混沌性偶合了现代西方非理性美术创作方式 ,夸张和拼接组合法的表现已成为现代美术外在形式新构成的契机 ;
- My motivation of artistic creation lies in the relation among artist, artistic works and society.Unglazed potteries prepared in the earthen kiln are the typical styles of my works. 作品与人、作品与社会之间的关系是我创作的原动力,土窑无釉素烧是我作品的典型风格。
- I see no sign of the actual approach of this hundred per cent French paradise. 我看不出有什么迹象表明这种十全十美的法国天堂真正会到来。
- This paper reinterprets Hemingway's “Iceberg Principle”from the perspective of foregrounding and points out that the two theories are consistent in the interpretation of artistic creation. 利用前景化理论对海明威的“冰山理论”从构成机制、作用机制及文学艺术发展等角度进行了解读,认为二者在对于艺术创作的阐释上是一致的。