- Research on Resource Accounting II. 资源会计研究2。
- appraisal on resource 资源评价
- The Research Advance on Resource Plant Fagopyrum dibotrys. 资源植物野生金荞麦的研究进展。
- From Office Project 2007, you can report on resource and task data. 通过Office Project 2007可以报告资源和任务数据。
- They have a high appraise on him. 他们对他的评价很高.
- Till now, clients had great appraise on our quality of service. 到目前为止,顾客对我们的服务质量评价甚高。
- The exploration practice in the Huabei Oilfield indicates that the co-study on resource ascertainment and "four ... 华北油田勘探实践表明,资源落实和“四史”配置研究已成为发展海相原生油气藏勘探的关键。
- In addition, it can make quantitative appraisal on the resource potentiality of the target area by geological statistics method, provide the probability of mineralizing, and cho... 另外数字地质勘查能对靶区的资源潜力用地质统计学方法作出定量评价,并给出成矿概率,对勘查设计方案作出优化选择。
- Based on resource dependence theory, this paper analyzes the interactive mechanism on the NPO and government. 本文运用资源依赖理论的研究成果和分析框架,考察浙江政府与民间组织的互动机制。
- Studies on resources of Crataegus plants of northeast district. 东北地区山楂属植物的资源研究.
- Results As the time on the reef prolonged, the appetitive index and appraisal on diet quality of the personnel wore reduced gradually (P<0.001). 结果随着在礁时间的延长,作业人员的食欲和对饮食质量的评价越来越低(P<0.;001)。
- Results As the time on the reef prolonged,the appetitive index and appraisal on diet quality of the personnel wore reduced gradually(P<0.001). 结果随着在礁时间的延长;作业人员的食欲和对饮食质量的评价越来越低(P<0.;001)。
- Appraisal on the Toxicity of TH5 of the Male Antifertility Activity Extracts in Tripterygium Hypo- glancum( Levees) Hutch. 昆明山海棠雄性抗生育活性提取物TH5的毒性评价
- Therefore,we must impel the people continuously to accurately know and make an objective appraisal on the contributing corneaby several means. 因此,我们需要通过各种各样措施促使群众不断正确认识和客观评价角膜捐献。
- S6-QY-10000+10000/110 transformer passed the appraisal on January 12, 2002.At present, it is operating safely and reliably on Xiang-Yu line. 型号为S6-QY-10000+10000/110变压器于2002年1月12日通过了鉴定 ,目前正安全、可靠地运行于襄渝铁路线上 。
- It's the easiest way to leverage on resources you wouldn't otherwise have. 它的最容易的方式利用资源;否则你不会有.
- Many storied legists had high appraisal on the “Policy of benevolence” called as Emperor’ Hann Wen’s “Great Virture”. 历史上很多著名的法学家对这件事有很高的评价,认为这是“仁政”称其为文帝的“大德”。
- This paper reexamines the contemporary value of the Beuys art and meanwhile gives its appraisal on contemporary Chinese art, especially on action art. 摘要本文重新论述了波依斯艺术的价值,同时涉及对中国当代艺术,特别是行为艺术的评价。
- They are proposed for both system design and performance appraisal on shock buffering and vibration control of the coupling unit-of-packaging. 这两种方法是为实际包装耦合体的设计及其缓冲防震性能的评价而提出的。
- The CIRC may, through appropriate means, disclose to the public the inspection and appraisal on the risk control of insurance companies and insurance asset management companies. 第七十八条中国保监会可通过适当方式将对保险公司和保险资产管理公司风险控制的检查、评估情况向社会披露。