- apply for loans secured 申请抵押放款
- How to apply for loans by the lending bank provident fund information? 贷款银行如何审核公积金贷款申请资料?
- Laid-off workers to apply for small loans secured, the security agencies to implement 5 UNPROFOR by the managers in the form of direct loans to banks. 下岗失业人员申请小额担保贷款,担保机构可实行5人联保形式并由经办银行直接发放贷款。
- The credit union will house the savings of the community and make wiser lending choices to those that apply for loans. 信用联盟,将会储蓄社区的节余并对那些申请贷款者做出更明智的租借选择。
- Since we have not yet handle marriage registration procedures, so I do not know whether the name of only one person to apply for loans, two people together can apply for loans? 由于目前我们还没有办理结婚登记手续,所以不知道是否只能以一个人的名义申请贷款,可以两个人一起申请贷款吗?
- They usually apply for loans to fund their travels, clothes, tickets, or even pillows - but at a heavy price since the interest on personal loans are unusually high. 但是,付出的代价也很惨重,因为阿根廷银行系统的个人贷款利率非常高。
- Regional factors for Beijing residents apply for loans to purchase housing and to provide guarantees of security and assume joint responsibility to ensure that. 为北京市区域内因购买住房而申请贷款的居民提供保证担保,承担连带保证责任。
- Agricultural Bank of China branch line Liuyang Changyang, Hubei and Hunan, told reporters, using Huinong card, farmers can also apply for loans small farmers. 农行浏阳支行行长阳鄂湘告诉记者,利用惠农卡,农户还可以申请小额农户贷款。
- Article 38. With its own property or foreign exchange as mortgage, a foreign-invested enterprise in the DDZ can apply for loans from banks or other financial institutions. 第三十八条开发区内的外商投资企业,可以依法以自有财产或以自有外汇作抵押,向银行和其他金融机构申请外汇抵押贷款。
- The property was pledged as security for loans. 这地产被当作贷款的抵押。
- Article twenty eight: In the Company's operation, in case the shortage of short-term working capital, it may apply for loan to the domestic and international banks. 第二十八条:本公司在生产经营过程中,短期的周转资金不足部份,可向国内外银行申请贷款解决。
- Where is the housing accumulation fund management centres discounting conditions borrowers can apply for loans to commercial loans and provident fund interest loans to poor obtain. 凡符合住房公积金管理中心贴息条件的借款人,都可以申请将商业贷款与公积金贷款的利息差以贴息方式取得。
- Many financial institutions serve as loans providers.Borrowers typically apply for loans, which are then approved or disapproved based on certain criteria that varies from institution to institution. 北京汇丰鑫通投资顾问中心是依托银行(银团、财团)风险投资公司合作的一家为企业和个人提供融资贷款、投资理财服务的专业性金融公司。
- An alternative plan is to apply for a loan. 另一种可能的方案就是申请贷款。
- A sole proprietorship enterprise may apply for loan and acquire land-use-rights in accordance with the law, and shall enjoy other rights prescribed by law or administrative regulations. 第二十四条个人独资企业可以依法申请贷款、取得土地使用权,并享有法律、行政法规规定的其他权利。
- A mortgage loan is a loan secured by real property. 按揭贷款是一种用不动产做抵押的贷款。
- My friends urged that I (should) apply for the job. 朋友们力劝我申请那份工作。
- To apply for a job, you must fill out a form. 申请工作要填表。
- Therefore this model is useful for the LGD examination when the lender applies for loan from financial institution. 故此模型可做为金融机构于企业户申请贷放时,做为检测其违约损失率之参考依据。
- You may apply for tickets in person or by letter. 需票者可亲自来申请亦可来信索取。