- Students should apply themselves to their studies. 学生们应该专心致志地学习。
- Students should apply themselves to their study. 学生们应该专心致志地学习。
- Success belongs to those who apply themselves to work. 回答:成功属于努力于工作的那些人。
- For more than thirty years, many researchers have applied themselves to investigating the relationship between firing of place cells and spatial memory. 三十多年来,人们致力于研究位置细胞放电与空间信息处理之间的关系,并取得了可喜的进展。
- The police had sold themselves to the gang leaders. 那些警察已卖身投靠匪首。
- Not being able to govern events, I govern myself, and apply myself to them, if they will not apply themselves to me. 不能驾驭外界,我就驾驭自己,如果外界不适应我,那么我就去适应它们。
- Recently, the scholars across? straights? apply themselves to conclude the "four significances" with Chinese trait. 近年来,海峡两岸学者致力于总结具有华夏特色的“茶道四谛”。
- And let them not too much apply themselves to the disposition of their children,as thinking they will take best to that,which they have most mind to. 但在这一点上要注意,并不是孩子小时候所喜欢的,也就是他们终生所愿从事的。
- At present most of our cadres need also to apply themselves to three subjects: economics,science and technology,and management. 当前大多数干部还要着重抓紧三个方面的学习:一个是学经济学,一个是学科学技术,一个是学管理。
- And let them not too much apply themselves to the disposition of their children, as thinking they will take best to that, which they have most mind to. 但在这一点上要注意,并不是孩子小时候所喜欢的,也就是他们终生所愿从事的。
- At present most of our cadres need also to apply themselves to three subjects: economics, science and technology, and management. 当前大多数干部还要着重抓紧三个方面的学习:一个是学经济学,一个是学科学技术,一个是学管理。
- Nevertheless those students resolving to take postgraduate entrance exams choose to sacrifice the holiday and apply themselves to this task of exams. 然而,那些决心考研的学生选择牺牲这个假日,全力以赴地投入到考研任务中。
- Manufacturers applying themselves to satisfying the requirement of people by reducing cost,winning cooperation of mostly client and making high-powered products and so forth. 制造商正在努力通过降低成本、与主要客户协作创新以及制造性能更佳的产品等多种手段来满足这一需求。
- Fell over themselves to impress the general's wife. 他们争相给将军夫人留下深刻的印象
- The doctors exerted themselves to save the dying child. 医生们竭尽全力抢救那奄奄一息的小孩。
- Those who abandon themselves to despair can not succeed. 那些自暴自弃的人无法成功。
- They had to accustom themselves to the hot weather. 他们不得不使自己习惯于炎热的天气。
- Our team gave a splendid account of themselves to win the match. 我们队表现出色,赢了那场比赛。
- If necessary they will go to the authorities themselves to press the demand. 如果必要,他们将自己去找当局,敦促他们接受这项要求。
- Many undergraduates applied themselves closely to the study of English. 许多大学生刻苦学习英语。