- applied voltage test 加压试验
- A computer-aided spark voltage test system for working electrolyte. 工作电解液闪火电压的计算机测试系统。
- Be sure that applied voltage is conformed to the voltage indicating in name plate. 确认使用电压与电装铭牌上的电压相符。
- In this technique two cells as nearly identical as possible are coupled together with a common applied voltage source. 这时,把两个尽可能一样的电池和一个共同的外加电源相连。
- A semiconductor diode that converts applied voltage to light and is used in digital displays, as of a calculator. 发光二极管一种半导体二极管,可将实用电压转变成亮光,用于数字显示,如计算器。
- The results show that this device is suitable for high voltage test in large capacity,long distance XLPE cables and GIS in power grids. 现场试验结果证明,该试验装置用作大容量、长距离交联聚乙烯电力(XLPE)电缆、GIS等高电压电力设备的高压试验是非常合适的。
- Once in the polymer, the electrolyte stays there until a newly applied voltage coaxes it out. 一旦电解液被聚合物吸入,那这些液体就得待在里面,直到新输入的电压把它们给排出去。
- The computer-aided spark voltage test system for working electrolyte is established with A/D conversion technology and sampling circuit. 通过取样控制电路,利用A/D转换技术,建立了工作电解液闪火电压的计算机自动测试系统。
- The effects of solid content and applied voltage on ohmic heating rate of soybean milk were also investigated. 实验证明:豆浆电导率随温度和固形物含量的增高而增大,且电导率与温度为线性关系;
- This paper details personal security problems in high voltage test and scheme and application of telecontrol technology in high voltage test. 摘要文章详细介绍了高压测试中人身安全的问题,提出了遥控技术在高压测试中的运用,并给出了较详细的解决方案。
- The applied voltage increases the spacing of the spin-down double peaks but shortens that of the spin-up ones. 在反平行情况下,每一种自旋成份的微分电导只有一个尖峰,并且分别在费米面之上和之下;
- Applied voltage can compensate the temperature effect on the retard performance. 温度对延迟器的影响可通过电压的变化得到补偿。
- Line frequency withstand voltage test is a test to verify low-voltage appliance's solid insulation and the capacity to withstand short time over-voltage. 工频耐受电压试验是验证低压电器固体绝缘及其耐受暂态过电压能力的试验。
- When measuring the leakage resistance with a DMM, the maximum applied voltage is usually less than 15V. 当利用DMM测量漏阻时,施加的最大电压通常小于15V。
- Principle of line frequency withstand voltage test equipment, the relation between test transformer capacity and leakage current setting value and cautions at test are described. 描述了工频耐受电压试验设备原理、试验变压器容量与泄漏电流整定值之间的关系以及试验时的注意事项。
- TiO2 porous films were prepared by anodization with different patterns of applied voltage. 摘要采用阳极氧化的方法,通过改变电压的施加方式制备了具有不同形貌的氧化钛薄膜。
- The influence of applied voltage and radius of rod electrode on the streamer characteristic are also investigated. 基于仿真方法研究了电压大小、电极形状对放电的影响。
- The implementation of leakage current measurement in withstand voltage test at operating temperature for electric appliance safety inspection is presented in this paper. 介绍一种新型多工位电能表全自动交流耐压试验装置的方案设计、实现原理以及功能特点。
- Carry out DC voltage endurance and leakage current measure or cable main insulation AC voltage test according product technology terms and condition stipulation. 按产品技术条件的规定决定进行直流耐压及泄漏电流测量或是进行电缆主绝缘交流耐压试验.
- Through AC voltage test and local discharge measurement,separating switch insulation rod quality defects are found,and it passed test after replaced with qualified one. 通过交流耐压试验及局部放电测量发现隔离开关绝缘拉杆存在质量缺陷,更换合格绝缘拉杆后试验通过。