- Mary began to unload her trouble onto her mother. 玛丽开始把她的烦恼告诉她的母亲。
- Occasionally, you may want your application to programmatically interact with your application domains, for example, to unload a component without having to stop your application from running. 有时,您可能希望应用程序以编程方式与应用程序域交互,例如想在不停止应用程序运行的情况下卸载某个组件时。
- The ship was allowed to unload cargo on the wharf. 那艘船被允许在码头上卸货。
- We made an application to the court for an inquiry. 我们曾请求法院调查。
- America might be able to unload more of its grain abroad. 美国或许能向国外倾销更多的谷类。
- Keys are available on application to the principal. 向校长申请就可得到钥匙。
- I was reluctant to unload those books. 我不愿意丢弃那些书。
- We began to unload the bricks from the car. 我们开始从车上卸下砖块来。
- To unload(a vehicle or container). 卸载,卸(货)(从运载工具或集装箱中)卸下(货)
- To unload,as from a ship or an airplane. 从船或飞机上卸货
- It may take a few weeks for your application to be processed. 审查你的申请书也许要等几个星期。
- Everyone helped to unload the luggage from the car. 大家都帮着从汽车上卸行李。
- The truck driver was waiting to unload. 卡车司机在等着卸货。
- This isn't a suitable place to unload the van. 这个地方不适宜卸车。
- Failed to unload the profile for user %1. 无法加载用户%251的配置文件。
- The sailors docked the ship and began to unload it. 船员们将船靠了码头,并开始卸货。
- Alice began to unload her troubles onto her mother. 爱丽斯开始把她的烦恼向母亲倾诉。
- She has put in an application to the college. 她已提出进该学院深造的申请。
- I was reluctant to unload those books . 我不愿意丢弃那些书。
- They want to unload the stocks on the market. 他们想把股票在市场上抛售掉。