- application level monitoring 应用级监控
- NetStatus workgroup level monitoring application designed to be used in situations where you need to monitor anywhere from 1 to 50 servers or devices on a network. 轻量级监测工具,为了解决在网络上监测任意的1到50个服务器或设备的情况而设计。
- Shows how to set a theme at the application level and page level. 演示如何在应用程序级别和页级别设置主题。
- Directives to thread scheduling at the application level. 应用程序级别的线程调度指令。
- Be active in the test preparation and raise the computer application level. 积极准备,提高计算机应用水平。
- This paper describes the design of a regional groundwater level monitoring network in Urumqi River Basin. 摘要文章阐述了乌鲁木齐河流域区域地下水水位监测网的优化设计。
- A groundwater level monitoring network fitting in with Jinan Karstic Spring Area has been designed. 设计出了适合济南岩溶泉域的地下水水位监测网。通过实际验证,地下水监测网符合实际要求。
- This paper proposes an application level multicast system(ALMS) on top of P2P network,Pastry. 提出了一个在Pastry上实现的应用层组播系统。
- Today, the focus of grid computing development has moved up a step, to the application level. 今天,网格计算开发的中心已经迈上了一个新的台阶,来到了应用程序的层次上。
- For trace data to be visible in a rendered page, you must enable tracing at the page or application level. 若要使跟踪数据在呈现的页中可见,必须在页或应用程序级别启用跟踪。
- This method intercepts queued (also known as posted) Windows messages at the application level. 此方法在应用程序级截获排队的(也称为已发送的)Windows消息。
- Installation of ground part of Water level monitoring system in Tong-coal corporation was resumed design to satisfy the the request of theft-proof and burglarproof. 同煤集团对水情监测系统地面部分的安装进行了重新设计,更好地满足了防寒防盗的要求,降低了安装难度,大大节约了人力、物力、财力。
- When all the permissions are known, you should make a declarative request for permission at the application level. 在了解所有权限后,您应该发出一个应用程序级别的权限的声明性请求。
- Moreover, it integrates advanced subroutines such as remote monitoring, level monitoring and malfunction alarming, endowing the system superb and reliable manipulability. 本系统嵌套了先进的设备远程监控、粉仓料位监测及设备故障报警等子程序,更使系统在远距离的操作环境中及具有优越、可靠的操作性能。
- The application level recognition technology, the similar category level gauge class, will carry on the level analysis. 应用层次识别技术,将相似的类别层次规类,进行层次分析。
- Be responsible for accident preparedness, prevention programs, occupation industrial hygiene exposure level monitoring and environment performance monitoring periodically. 负责事故应急准备预防职业安全卫生接触等级的监测以及环境绩效的定期监测;
- The P2P service level can afford distributed deployment for P2P application level. P2P服务层为P2P应用提供高度分布的部署能力。
- Computing virtualization include:OS level virtualization, application level virtualization, hyper visor. 虚拟机管理器分为宿主虚拟机和客户虚拟机。
- For continuous monitoring of noise, sound level monitors are installed on site for round-the-clock measurement. 为了不断监察噪音水平,数码港地盘内会装设音量监测器,廿四小时进行测量。
- The Recycle Bin is enabled in a site collection by default, and is configured in Central Administration at the site collection Web application level. 默认情况下,该回收站在网站集合中启用,并在管理中心中在网站集合Web应用程序级别进行配置。