- The heir submits a recognizance upon the application for registration of inheritance. 一申办继承登记,经申请之继承人检附切结书者。
- Article 13.Where a registered trademark is to be used in respect of other goods of the same class,a new application for registration shall be filed. 第十三条 注册商标需要在同一类的其他商品上使用的,应当另行提出注册申请。
- If you would like to continue using the trade mark when the validity expires,you need to make a new application for registration. 商标的有效期满后,如果你方还想使用原来的商标,则需要重新申请注册。
- Where a registered trademark is to be used in respect of other goods of the same class, a new application for registration shall be filed. 第十三条注册商标需要在同一类的其他商品上使用的,应当另行提出注册申请。
- The date of application for registration of a trademark shall be the date the application form for the same is received by the Trademark Office. 第十二条商标注册的申请日期,以商标局收到申请书件的日期为准。
- First, an application for registration of a trademark must be filed with the appropriate national or regional trademark office. 首先,必须向有关的国家或地区商标局提出商标注册申请。
- If you would like to continue using the trade mark when the validity expires, you need to make a new application for registration. 商标的有效期满后,如果你方还想使用原来的商标,则需要重新申请注册。
- Article 55 Soon after the collection of an application for registration, the registry shall examine the case according to law. 第55条登记机关接收申请登记案件后,应即依法审查。
- Article 50 Fines shall be imposed according to the provisions of the Land Actif the application for registration is overdue. 第50条逾期申请登记之罚锾,应依土地法之规定计收。
- Prior to application for registration, the share capital must be stipulated in the Articles and all shares must be subscribed. 在申请注册登记前,在公司章程中必须载明股本额,并且所有股份必须认购完毕。
- On the criminal liability issue, the Government proposes that an offence is committed if a solicitor has an intention to defraud when verifying an application for registration. 在刑事法律责任方面,政府建议如一名律师在核实注册申请时意图欺诈,才属犯罪。
- In applying for registration of alternation, the application for registration of change signed by the company's legal representative shall be submitted. 申请变更登记,应当提交公司法定代表人签署的变更登记申请书。
- Article 9 A trademark agent may be appointed to file the application for registration of a trademark and to handle all matters pertaining to a trademark. 第9条申请商标注册及处理有关商标之事务,得委任商标代理人办理之。
- Application for drugs with existing state standards shall refer to the application for registration of the drugs for which the SDA has promulgated official standards. 已有国家标准药品的申请,是指生产已经由国家药品监督管理局颁布的正式标准的药品注册申请。
- Other co-owners need not affix their signatures or seals on written contracts and application forms for the application for registration referred to in the preceding paragraph. 依前项申请登记时,契约书及登记申请书上无须他共有人签名或盖章。
- Where a profit-seeking enterprise increase or decreases its capital, it shall, within fifteen days therefrom, file an application for registration amendment. 营利事业之资本额有增减时,应于增减日起十五日内申报变更登记。
- Where a trademark,before its being approved for registration,has been the object of opposition and decision,no application for adjudication may be filed based on the same facts and grounds. 对核准注册前已经提出异议并经裁定的商标,不得再以相同的事实和理由申请裁定。
- Article 28.Where a trademark, before its being approved for registration, has been the object of opposition and decision, no application for adjudication may be filed based on the same facts and grounds. 第二十八条 对核准注册前已经提出异议并经裁定的商标,不得再以相同的事实和理由申请裁定。
- "Where a trademark, before its Being approved for registration, has Been the object of opposition and decision, no application for adjudication may be filed Based on the same facts and grounds. 对核准注册前已经提出异议并经裁定的商标,不得再以相同的事实和理由申请裁定。
- In 2001,the Designs Registry received 1977 applications for registration of 2777 designs,comprising 1639 single-design applications and 338 multiple-design applications. 二零零一年,外观设计注册处共接获1977宗申请,要求就2777项外观设计进行注册,其中包括1639宗单项外观设计及338宗多项外观设计申请。