- The birth of a baby penguin in the zoo was widely reported. 动物园里小企鹅的出生受到了广泛的报道。
- Why is the appetite of our snowwhite so good? 为什么我们公主的胃口非常好?
- The doctor delivered her of a baby. 这医生为她接生了一个婴儿。
- The splendid dinner whet the appetite of the guest. 一顿辉煌的晚餐,使客人们食欲大振。
- The birth of a baby is truly a bless event. 生个孩子真是喜事。
- The young woman has just been delivered of a baby. 那个青年妇女刚刚产下婴儿。
- The birth of a baby is truly a blessed event. 生个孩子真是喜事。
- For the appetite Mammy had always deplored, the healthy appetite of a nineteen-year-old girl, now was increased fourfold by the hard and unremitting labor she had never known before. 关于食欲,嬷嬷是很替她伤心的的,因为一个19岁姑娘的正常食欲,由于她从未听说过的持续不停的艰苦劳动而增加了四倍。
- She dangled a toy in front of a baby. 她把玩具在婴儿的面前摇动。
- Look intently into the face of a baby. 凝视一个婴孩的脸庞。
- Close particularly " dawdler " the appetite of sisters ah? 是不是非凡合“懒人”姐妹们的胃口啊?
- Of the appetite for adventure over a life of ease. 摒弃安逸、崇尚冒险。
- I have the pure heart of a newborn baby. 我有一颗赤子之心。
- Satan, like a fisher, baits his hook according to the appetite of the fish. 撒旦就像钓鱼人一样,它会依照鱼的胃口,钩上对味的鱼饵。
- However, the appetite of people seems not always be related with nutrition. 不过,人们对食物的好恶似乎并不总是与营养有关。
- Parents should make efforts to feed the appetite of children for knowledge. 父母应该尽力满足孩子的求知欲望。
- Can you appease the boy's curiosity? 你能满足这个男孩的好奇心吗?
- The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. 我们做的蛋糕不大成功。
- A short, soft, high-pitched sound or utterance, like that of a baby bird. 唧唧声或吱吱声一种如幼鸟所发出的短而柔和且高尖的声音或发音
- The rapid growth of its super-rich has whet the appetite of the yachting industry. 超级巨富的迅速增加刺激了游艇业的发展欲望。