- Methods Seventy two patients with apoplectic aphasia were treated by acupuncture method of inducing resuscitation with GV 26, PC6 and SP6 plus points on the periphery and body of the tongue. 方法对72例中风性失语患者采用醒脑开窍主穴水沟、内关、三阴交配合舌周及舌体上穴位治疗,观察脑出血与脑梗塞、60岁以下与60岁以上、病程6个月以内与7个月以上与疗效的关系。
- Present situation and thinking of studies on apoplectic aphasia 中风失语的研究现状与思考
- Keywords Point;Tianfu;Tianzhu;Renying;Tianyou;Futu;Apoplectic aphasia; 穴;天府;天柱;人迎;天牖;扶突;中风失语;
- Clinical Observations on the Treatment of 43 Apoplectic Aphasia Patients by Tongue Acupuncture as A Main Method 舌针为主治疗中风失语症46例临床观察
- Observation on the Efficacy of Acupuncture plus Rehabilitation Composite Treatment for Apoplectic Aphasia 针灸加康复综合治疗失语症的疗效观察
- Observations on the Effect of acupuncture for Treatment of 46 Patients with Apoplectic Aphasia 针刺治疗中风后失语46例疗效观察
- apoplectic aphasia 风痱, 卒喉痹, 中风失音
- He was apoplectic with rage at the decision. 他对这个决定异常愤怒。
- What food should apoplectic patient notice? 中风病人应该注意哪些饮食?
- Apoplectic a disease is urgent suddenly. 中风起病急骤。
- My wife is in B-four, stroke and aphasia. 我的妻子住在B-4房间,患的是中风和失语症。
- An __1__stroke will give the apoplectic much pain. 从以上单词中选出最恰当的词,填入空格内。
- All these can"t be denied by the "Aphasia" view. 这些都是“失语”说所无法否认的事实。
- He became apoplectic about wasteful government spending. 他对于政府的浪费开销变得怒不可遏。
- Unfortunately, he suffered from sudden onset of aphasia one week later. 不幸的是,术后一星期突然出现失语症。
- What is " in 风 " ; Apoplectic what symptom is there? How to prevent? 什麽是“中风”;中风有什么症状?怎样预防?
- Aphasia can be studied in order to discover how the brain processes language. 通过研究失语症可以揭示大脑是如何处理语言的。
- Conclusion Scalp and neck acupuncture has an exact effect on apoplectic ataxia. 结果头项针治疗中风共济失调总有效率100%25,明显优于对照组(76%25)。
- A study on subcortical aphasia by CT image standardization and BEAM. 皮层下失语患者的CT图象标准化及脑电地形图对比研究。
- In control group,pharmacotherapy was only used to the apoplectic patients. 对照组中风患者单纯用药物治疗,而治疗组中风患者在药物治疗基础上,还采用头针、体针、推拿及功能锻炼等方法配合西医治疗。