- The air is chill and stagnant, the language apocalyptic. 空气寒冷而污浊,语言则是《启示录》式的。
- The ideographic novels are mysterious and "apocalyptic". “表意”具有神秘色彩,带有“启示录”意味。
- DEAN : It's hilarious -- you know, in that apocalyptic sort of way. 这是个大笑话,你知道,那些像启示录一般的故事。
- Now imagine repeating such an apocalyptic explosion two dozen times in a week! 现在重复想象下这样世界末日的爆炸在一周内发生24次!
- It is an exciting,well-paced action-thriller with apocalyptic,and adventure story elements. 它扣人心弦,节奏紧凑,是一部预示了世界末日恐怖景象和带有冒险故事成分的动作片。
- Yet the movie's depiction of the fallout from climate change stretches reputable science to apocalyptic proportions. 然而,影片所描述的气候变化的后遗症把著名的科学理论夸张成天大的灾难。
- And you hope that more Tibetan compatriots have the chance to own and read this unique apocalyptic holy Book, your support will be warmly welcomed. 如果您愿意让更多的藏族人民能早日读到并拥有这一本来自独一真神启示的圣书,我们欢迎您的支持。
- Indeed, his apocalyptic threats have started to erode the previous conviction of most Israeli analysts that, for all its proclaimed religiosity, Iran is still a rational actor. 确实,因为伊朗总统狂热的叫嚣,使越来越多的以色列分析家开始置疑他们先前持有的观念:撇开伊朗的宗教狂热,其依然一个理性行为者。
- In the future M &M games, we will deal with the "apocalyptic" consequences of the main plot featured in Heroes 5. 在将来的魔法门系列游戏中,我们将会处理由英雄无敌5里事件所引发的“启示录”。
- It is rather apocalyptic gloom that possesses him:thoughts about the inevitability of injustice and some sort of inescapable ultimate doom. 可以说,他有着一种悲天悯人的阴郁情绪,忧虑非正义是无法避免的,担心某种无可逃遁的最终末日。
- The Essenes were a strict Torah observant, Messianic, apocalyptic, baptist, wilderness, new covenant Jewish sect. 艾塞尼派是一个严格的律法奉行者,弥赛亚的,启示录的,施洗约翰,荒野,新的契约犹太人的教派。
- California is famous for its sunshine. But the dry weather can cause apocalyptic disasters. 加州是个阳光普照的地方,不过乾燥的天气却造成警世的灾难。
- Before long, however, the episode began to look less apocalyptic than it had momentarily seemed. 然而,这个原本似乎具有灾难启示色彩的事件持续未长,转瞬之间程度就降低了。
- Their whole existence, their very reason for being, it was all tied to this one apocalyptic event. 他们全体族群,他们存在的意义,全都要交联在这个启示命运的时刻。
- At any other time, numbers like these would be apocalyptic, but they're what pass for good news these days. 要换作别的时候,这样糟糕的数据足以让人产生大难临头的感觉,但当前这些数据却会被看作好消息。
- But you know, Jim? You know, I'm reminded of a lot of these apocalyptic cults I've covered over the years... 但你知道吗,吉姆?你知道,我曾在过去很多年来一直听到很多这些天启灾难...
- It is action packed, adrenaline filled, apocalyptic survival experiment for the daredevils. 这是包装的行动,肾上腺素填补,世界末日的生存实验,为冒险者。
- State police in New Mexico have removed four children from an apocalyptic church whose leader claims to be the Messiah. 新墨西哥州警方从信奉世界末日的教堂中带走,其教主自诩为救世主。
- He attempts to explore dismal landscapes, where apocalyptic marches echo and thunder. 他试图探索那些回响着神启之音的凄凉之地。
- So often a diagnosis anywhere on the autism spectrum is discussed in apocalyptic terms. 通常,一个人得到了孤独症的诊断常常被描述得像世界末日。