- apex of right ventricle 右室心尖部
- No residual leakage or obstruction of right ventricle outflow tract occurred. 随访3~6个月,无晚期死亡及并发症发生。
- The bore of right ventricle and pulmonary artery widned gradually with increasing time in Tibet. The peak velocity of tricuspid valve and pulmonary valve increased obviously. 右心室和肺动脉内径随进藏时间增加呈逐渐增宽趋势,肺动脉瓣、三尖瓣峰值流速明显增快。
- As a result, the outflow of right ventricle is into the aorta and the outflow from the left ventricle is into the pulmonic trunk. 结果导致右心室的血流进入主动脉而左心室的血流则进入肺动脉。
- The outlet tracts of right ventricle were widened with Dacron and self-pericardial patch in 14 patients,with pericardial patch in 2 patients. 全组中 16例使用补片扩大右心室流出道的病例中 ,14例采用涤沦布并自体心包补片 ,2例采用自体心包补片。
- The bore of right ventricle and pulmonary artery widned gradually with increasing time in Tibet.The peak velocity of tricuspid valve and pulmonary valve increased obviously. 右心室和肺动脉内径随进藏时间增加呈逐渐增宽趋势,肺动脉瓣、三尖瓣峰值流速明显增快。
- He reached the apex of power in the early 1930s. 他在三十年代初达到了权力的顶峰。
- It is feasible to evaluate indications of operation and choose radical or palliative procedures according to PAI(>150 mm2/m2) in patients with PA-VSD. The optimal technique of patients with PA-IVS should be dicided by Z value and size of right ventricle. PA- VSD患者可根据 PAI是否 >15 0 mm2 /m2选择实施根治术或姑息手术 ,PA- IVS可根据右心室发育情况和 Z值选择术式。
- Conclusion The changes of PPV on ECG are sensitive and could be applied in diagnosis of PHD without enlargement of right ventricle, moreover, the examination is economical and convenient. 结论心电图肺型P波是诊断肺心病人心脏未扩大时的敏感指标,且具有仪器携带方便、价格便宜等特点。
- Objective To discuss the hemodynamic changes of right ventricle and pulmonary artery in perioperative pulmonary lobectomy patients, so as to enhance better perioperative managements. 目的:探讨肺叶切除术前后患者右心室及肺动脉血液动力学变化,以利于更好地指导围手术期的处理。
- Bail in misdemeanors is of right. 根据法律,轻罪可以要求保释。
- He was at the apex of his fortunes. 他红运到顶。
- You have reached the apex of earthly honour. 你已经达到世界上荣誉的顶点。
- The property belongs to her as of right. 这财产按理说是属于她的。
- At 41 he'd reached the apex of his career. 他41岁时到达事业的顶峰。
- internal diameter of right ventricle 右室内径
- At 37, she'd reached the apex of her career. 她在37岁时达到了事业的巅峰。
- anterior papillary muscle of right ventricle 右心室前乳头肌
- At50 he reached the apex of his career. 在五十岁时他到达他事业的巅峰。
- The property should belong to me of right. 按照法律这笔财产应当属于我。