- We also set aside some meat for elderly people. 我们还留出一些肉给年岁大的人。
- The lack of facilities for elderly people has cast doubts on the whole of the redevelopment scheme. 缺乏给老人们的设备,这使人对整个重新发展计划产生怀疑。
- Providing the necessary care for elderly people can be problematic. 给老年人必要的照顾可能是很麻烦的事。
- The church sponsored the fair to raise money for elderly people. 教会为老年人筹集福利基金而举办了这次义卖。
- They called for studies that test the predictie alidity of measures of inappropriate prescribing for elderly people. 他们呼吁对老年人不合理用药方案的有效性进行研究。
- Firefighters work outside a home for elderly people in Egg near Bregenz Austria late Friday Feb. 8, 2008. 2月8日,消防员在奥地利布伦根茨附近的埃格小镇一家发生大火的养老院外救火。
- It was not the custom for elderly people to mar the picnics with their presence. 大人们照例不参加这样的野餐以免扫兴。
- We will provide more support for elderly people living at home,and for their families. 我们还会加强支援服务,协助在家中居住的长者和他们的家人。
- Chinese tonics such as ginseng or swallow nest are most suitable gifts for elderly people. 像人参、燕窝之类的中国滋补品对老人最合适。
- Today, Chaoyanglou is primarily a gathering place for elderly people and hawkers. 南、北、西三座城楼已被焚毁,只有东楼巍然独存。
- A room was set apart for the purpose. 专门为这留出了一个房间。
- It is therefore not surprising that their locations often overlapped those of homes for elderly people (shown as houses in navy blue). 慢性阻塞性肺病影响老年人,以致某些病者地点和老人院(篮色小屋)互叠。
- Today, an educational system for elderly people that is multi-level, multi-form and multi-disciplinary with different lengths of schooling has taken initial shape. 目前已初步形成多层次、多形式、多学制、多学科的老年教育体系。
- Funds set apart for the project. 为这项工程拨出的资金
- As the year comes to an end, the cold weather often gives an impression of lonesome bleakness, particularly for elderly people residing in nursing homes. 岁末年终,寒冷的天气让人有种错觉、日子空虚孤单,尤其是住在疗养院的人。
- The police shook down the apartment for clues to the murder. 警察彻底搜查公寓,寻找谋杀案的线索。
- The family were evicted from the apartment for failing to pay the rent. 那户人家因付不起房租而被赶出那套公寓房间。
- In urban areas,local governments should provide relief for elderly people who are unable to work,have neither sources of income nor family supporters,or whose family supporters are unable to support them. 城市的老年人,无劳动能力、无生活来源、无赡养人和扶养人的,或者其赡养人和扶养人确无赡养能力或者扶养能力的,由当地人民政府给予救济。
- In urban areas, local governments should provide relief for elderly people who are unable to work, have neither sources of income nor family supporters, or whose family supporters are unable to support them. 城市的老年人,无劳动能力、无生活来源、无赡养人和扶养人的,或者其赡养人和扶养人确无赡养能力或者扶养能力的,由当地人民政府给予救济。
- Many elderly people live an idle life. 许多老年人过着悠闲的生活。