- aortic foramen 主动脉裂孔
- Here is a congenital bicuspid aortic valve. 这是一个先天性的两瓣叶主动脉瓣。
- Resecton of Tomors of the Foramen Magnum. 枕骨大孔区肿瘤切除术------玉琦
- An aortic valve need not be bicuspid to calcify. 主动脉瓣并非是两个瓣叶的才钙化。
- Carotid body and aortic body chemoreceptor reflex. 颈动脉体和主动脉体化学感受性反射。
- Carotid sinus and aortic arch baroreceptor reflex. 颈动脉窦和主动脉弓压力感受性反射。
- One in four aortic aneurysms is a TAA. 大约有四分之一的主动脉瘤为胸动脉瘤。
- Aortic coarctation and bicuspid aortic valve. 外文期刊 Images in clinical medicine.
- What causes coarctation of the aorta? 什么引起了主动脉缩窄?
- Blood flows into the aorta distal to the stenosis. 血液在狭窄的远侧注入主动脉。
- Specialized obturator foramen type of Flexible Neoprene. 专用密封闭孔弹性氯丁橡胶。
- How is coarctation of the aorta diagnosed? 怎样作出主动脉缩窄的诊断?
- Unilateral cases may involve obstruction of the foramen of Monro. 也有特例是蒙罗氏小孔阻塞引起的。
- An aortogram is an angiogram of the aorta. 主动脉造影术是对主动脉进行造影。
- At the right is a probe patent foramen ovale in an adult. 右为成年人卵圆孔未闭的探查。
- The blood can dissect up or down the aorta. 血液可沿主动脉向上或向下剥离动脉。
- The aorta is the largest artery in the body. 主动脉是人体中的最大动脉。
- The arterial pulse pressure in aortic insufficiency is widened. 主动脉瓣闭锁不全时脉搏压变宽。
- Patent Foramen Ovale and Recurrent Stroke Closure is the Best Option? 卵圆孔未闭与复发性卒中经皮封堵术是最佳选择吗?
- This angiogram demonstrates the aortic arch and great vessels. 血管造影显示主动脉弓和大动脉。