- Aoki Shigeo 青木茂男(1915-),日本人,商学教授。
- That is why I am on intimate term with Mr. Aoki. 那是我与奥基先生关系亲密的原因。
- Mr. Aoki is now working at our Osaka branch. (青木先生现在在我们的大阪分公司工作。)
- The old folks'departure grieved Shigeo. 老两口的离去使茂雄怅然若失。
- The old folks' departure grieved Shigeo. 老两口的离去使茂雄怅然若失。
- Aoki has been transferred to our Osaka branch. 青木先生被调到大阪分公司去了。
- It was due to Mr. Aoki's authority. 那是因为青木先生有威信。
- What's happening between Miss Aoki and the manager? 青木小姐和经理之间有什么事?
- Miss Tanaka will marry Mr. Aoki. 田中小姐要和青木先生结婚。
- Hello. This is Ichiro Aoki of X company. 喂,你好。我是X公司的青木一郎。
- Aoki Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar Virginia A. Become the Music 作者 Elaine M.
- Mr. Smith, I'd like you to meet Mr. Aoki. 史密斯先生,我给你介绍认识青木先生。
- Obi Island, Aoki magic flower in the forest where the seeds? 奥比岛魔法花架中青木森林的的种子在哪?
- Aoki: According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow too. 青木:根据天气预报;说是明天也是下雨.
- The methods for attaining zero-defect software borrow heavily from the Japanese engineer Shigeo Shingo's pioneering work on zero-defect manufacturing. 这些旨在完成零缺陷软件的方法,很大程度上借鉴了日本工程师新乡重夫的零缺陷生产的开创性工作。
- Police believe that Shigeo Kodama, 54, amassed the 3,977 panties, 355 bras and 10 pairs of stockings over a six-year period. 据警方消息,54岁的重郎儿玉在六年的时间里共“收藏”了3997条内裤、355件文胸和10双长统袜。
- Police believe those Shigeo Kodama, 54, amassed the 3,977 panties, 355 bras and 10 pairs of stockings over a six-age period. 据警方消息,54岁的重郎儿玉在六年的时间里共“收藏”了3997条内裤、355件文胸和10双长统袜。
- Desk literature or theater idea forms the basic difference in drama concept between Aoki Masaru and Zhou Yibai. 是案头文学还是剧场观念,这构成青木正儿与周贻白戏剧观的根本差异。
- Directed by Tanaka Shigeo and produced by the Dai Nippon Film Company, the film featured an all Japanese cast but a few Hong Kong film personalities were also involved. 该片由田中重雄导演,参演者主要为日本演员,一些香港影人亦有参与摄制。
- Aoki, M. (1984).The Co-operative Game Theory of the Firm[M].Oxford University Press. 青木昌彦;奥野正宽:[M].;北京:中国发展出版社;1999年版