- any long and difficult trip. 任何一种长而且困难的旅行。
- Eels are long and difficult to catch. 鳝鱼很长而且很难抓住。
- Writing a dictionary is a long and difficult business but we're getting there. 编写词典是费时费事的工作,但我们一定能成功。
- I was beaten out by the long and difficult journey. 长途艰辛跋涉使我困顿不堪。
- This may be a long and difficult procedure. 这将是一个漫长而困难的作业。
- It was a long and difficult march. 这是一次艰难的长途行军。
- In any long and bitter campaign, morale will suffer. 在任何一个长期而痛苦的战争中,士气总会涣散下来。
- Neither he nor I anticipated this long and difficult road. 他和我谁都料想不到这条路是那么崎岖漫长。
- The battle to keep body and soul together was long and difficult. 经过长期艰苦奋斗才勉强维持生活。
- A little boy couldn't wait any longer and jumped out of the bushes. 一个小男孩等不及了从灌木丛中跳了出来。
- The battle to keep body and soul together is long and difficult. 让身心健康的战争是漫长且困难的。
- We could not bear him any longer and showed him the door. 我们再也不能忍受他,叫他离开。
- He could not hold himself back any longer and opened his mouth. 他再也无法克制自己,终于开了口。
- She couldn't act any longer and was finished at thirty. 她不能再演戏了,三十岁就完了。
- The identification of the crash victims was a long and difficult task. 鉴别坠机意外伤亡者的工作费时而且困难重重。
- She couldn't hold back her tears any longer and wept aloud. 她再也忍不住了,大声哭泣起来。
- The decision to transition is often the result of a long and difficult process. 作出性别转换的决定,常常是一个漫长而艰难过程的结果。
- Mary couldn't hold her feelings in check any longer and began to cry. 玛丽再也控制不住自己的感情,哭了起来。
- Finally, Nigel cannot hold back his curiosity any longer and raises his hand. 最后,奈杰尔再也抑制不住他的好奇心,举起了手。
- I couldn't hold myself back any longer and I piped in, in bad Russian. 我实在忍不住了;插嘴说了;用我的蹩脚俄语.