- The scheme is still on the anvil. 这计划尚在筹划中。
- Man dictates to weapons, not vice versa. 是人指挥武器,而不是武器指挥人。
- The man put the iron block on the anvil. 那人把铁块放在铁砧上。
- He reported on the whole event to the vice premier. 他把整个事件向副总理作了汇报。
- There is a lot of vice in big cities. 大城市存在许多道德败坏的行为。
- The vice president had to dodge flying tomatoes. 副总统不得不闪躲飞来的番茄。
- The vice president was the president's successor. 副总统是总统的继任人。
- The vice president is in a state of poor health. 副总统健康状况不佳。
- The vice is bolted to the work-bench. 老虎钳是用螺栓拧在工作台上的。
- woodworking anvil vice 木工台虎钳
- A square-shanked chisel that fits into a square hole in an anvil. 方柄凿一种与铁砧的方孔相吻合的方形柄凿
- anvil vice 台虎钳,砧台虎钳,台用虎钳
- The maintaining of one vice costs more than ten virtues. 保持一桩恶事的代价超过于十件好事。
- pipe anvil vice 管子台虎钳
- Given to vice, immorality, or depravity. 品行不良的邪恶的、不道德的或者堕落的
- Can't you tell vice from virtue? 难道你不能辨别善恶吗?
- The anvil is not afraid of the hammer. 砧不畏锤。
- P. Box Anvil, used to secure parallel specimens. 砧板盒;用来安放双面平行的实验样品.
- The vice president gave an off-the-record opinion on the issue. 副总统就这一问题发表了私人的意见。
- Nowadays girls try to pick up guys more than vice versa. 这年头啊是女孩想把男孩,而不是男孩追女孩。