- antitrust enforcement power 反垄断执法权
- Liberal platforms regularly pronounce for antitrust enforcement. 自由党的政纲通常赞成执行反托拉斯法规。
- Liberal platforms regularly pronounce in favour of antitrust enforcement. 自由党的政纲通常赞成执行反托拉斯法。
- As for executive enforcement power, inquisitorial system should be maintained. 至少对于行政性执行权而言我们应该继续采用职权主义模式,执行机构的程序选择权与债权人的处分权是可以并行不悖的。
- Some companies would like to see more aggressive antitrust enforcement against their rivals, while others could be hurt by it. 一些公司希望可以看到政府对伤害过他们的竞争对手,更多积极的执行反垄断政策。
- The collapse of the merger of GE and Honeywell prompted a concerted effort by regulators on both sides of the Atlantic to co-ordinate antitrust enforcement. 通用和霍尼韦尔的瓦解引起了亚特兰大的双方管理者的一致努力协调反垄断的实施。
- Some countries' passive mode is the result of their incompact allocating system of enforcement power. 部分国家采取前一模式是因为其实行过分松散的执行权分配体制。
- Parking for the venue, the Palestinian people have made announcements to persuade, but no enforcement power to prevent reversals. 停车场负责人称已对场内楼巴发通告规劝,但因没有执法权难以杜绝逆行现象。
- Our new enforcement system comprise the chaos and twist of nature of power, it aggrandize the executive enforcement power and debase the judicial enforcement power. 我国的新执行体制中隐藏着两种执行权的混乱和扭曲,它彰显了执行权的行政性,却实际忽略了司法性。
- Principal Assistant Secretary for Health and Welfare Eddie Poon Tai-ping said the legislation has set out clearly that shop and restaurant managers have the law enforcement power. 商场管理人员有权劝喻顾客在禁烟区内停止吸烟、记录违法人士的个人资料、扣留及召警。不过,他承认部份负责人可能害怕得罪顾客而没有干涉。
- Some countries stress the enforcement powers laid down by Chapter VII. 一些国家重点强调第七章规定的强制权力。
- Under federal law, the first firm to give antitrust enforcers evidence of a criminal conspiracy can receive amnesty from criminal charges. 联邦法律规定,第一家向反垄断机构提供刑事合谋证据的公司可以在刑事指控中获得特别赦免。
- Liberal platforms regularly pronounce for antitrust enforcement 自由党的政纲通常赞成执行反托拉斯法规。
- On Enforcement Power of Police Organizations 论公安机关执行力
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- In France civil law, they are between the contractual character and its having the unchangeableness of judgment and correspondingly having the direct enforcement powers. 在法国民法上,则表现为和解的契约性质与其具有终审判决之既判力以及与此相应的直接强制执行力之间的矛盾。
- On the Enforcement Power of Civil Judgments 民事执行权论
- Antitrust enforcement tends to lessen certain very high entry barriers 实施反托拉斯法就是为了削减某些过高的加入障碍。
- Enforcement Power Of Civil Judgments 民事执行权
- They have provided some rules for the protection of GR and TK, but the former owns some enforceable power and the latter is essentially some moral rights. 两种机制均在物权层面设计了遗传资源及有关传统知识的保护规则,但前者具有较强的保障力,后者基本上还是一种道义意义上的权利。