- anticompetitive inhibitition 抗竞争性抑制
- Some non-price restraints may be anticompetitive. 一些非价格限制协定也可能是反竞争性的。
- After sum micro systems accused company of being anticompetitive. 位于华盛顿瑞德蒙的微软公司进行了反抗。
- Are the chipmaker's pricing policies anticompetitive? 芯片制造商的价格政策是反竞争的吗?
- Clearances can be ruled anticompetitive in markets big enough to sustain multiple theaters. 在规模大到足以维持众多影院的市场上,可以认定“出空”是违反竞争的行为。
- Note that dumping as described above is not anticompetitive in the sense that economists use the term. 请注意,上述倾销都不是反竞争的,都不符合经济学家对“倾销”这个词的定义。
- Those strategies can raise rivals` cost substantially and generate anticompetitive effects. 这些策略会在很大的程度上增加竞争对手的成本,从而产生反竞争的后果。
- The elimination of head-to-head competition between two leading firms may result in unilateral anticompetitive effects. 消除两家处于市场中领导地位的公司间势均力敌的竞争可能导致单方面的反竞争效应。
- Identifying and challenging anticompetitive mergers is a difficult task that can take thousands of hours of investigative work and often, litigation. 鉴别和规制反竞争性的合并是一项十分艰巨的工作,它可能要花费大量的调查时间并经历多次的诉讼。
- It was opposed by the wireless industry, which said there has never been any evidence that the open process invited anticompetitive behavior. 公告引起了无线公司们的强烈反对,他们说这样做没有证据显示公开竞拍采取了某些反竞争措施。
- The department reacted to the European Commission's move by issuing a statement insisting that the merger was “unlikely to be anticompetitive”. 美国司法部门对欧盟的行动做出了回应,发布了一项声明坚持称该合并“不可能会阻碍市场竞争”。
- "It (China) should improve legal protection for foreign companies and reject anticompetitive trading practices and policies," they said. 他们说:“中国应该为外国公司提高立法保护,并抵制反竞争贸易活动和政策。”
- Procompetitive benefits undoubtedly justify the formation of patent pools in certain contexts, but serious anticompetitive risks are also present. 促进竞争的优势无疑在某些情况为专利联营提供了合法性的根据,但是严重的反竞争危险也同样存在。
- Identification of such relationships is merely an aid in determining whether there may be anticompetitive effects arising from a licensing arrangement. 该关系并不必然引起反竞争效果,垂直关系本身也不表明具有任何反竞争效果。
- The authors did not discuss the effects of imperfectly competitive international markets, or even what constitutes 'anticompetitive behavior. 作者没有探讨国际市场的不当竞争会带来怎样的影响,甚至也未提及什么是所谓的“反竞争行为”。
- The Federal Trade Commission Act established a government commission aimed at preventing unfair and anticompetitive business practices. 联邦贸易委员会法设立了一个政府委员会来防止一切不公正的阻碍竞争的贸易行为。
- The chief justification they offered for antidumping was that 'there is no international competition authority to regulate anticompetitive behavior between countries. 他们对反倾销活动给出的首要理由是“没有国际机构来监管国与国之间的反竞争行为”。
- And the Department of Justice is investigating whether a settlement Google struck with authors and publishers to resolve a class-action copyright lawsuit is anticompetitive. 美国司法部正在调查去年谷歌与图书作者以及出版商就版权问题达成的集体和解协议是否不利于竞争。
- By natural, I also mean lawful, since the monopoly derives from Google's skill and qualities inherent in the business, not from anticompetitive behavior. 我所说的“天生的”还意味着合法的,原因是它的这种垄断来源于自身的能力和业务固有的品质,而不是来自于不公平的竞争行为。
- The existence of anticompetitive effects resulting from a restraint in a licensing arrangement will be evaluated on the basis of the analysis described in this section. 许可安排中的限制造成的反竞争效果的存在,将根据本节说明的分析方法进行评估。