- anticlinal flank 背斜翼
- Our orders are to attack their left flank. 我们的命令是攻击他们的左翼。
- The soldiers attacked the left flank of the enemy. 战士们攻击敌人的左翼。
- A number of men were detached to guard the right flank. 派遣了一些士兵守卫右翼。
- The commander decide to attack the enemy on both flank. 指挥官决定从两侧对敌人发起进攻。
- By a sudden movement we uncovered the enemy's right flank. 我们的突击行动使敌人的右翼暴露无遗。
- The rider dug his spurs into the horse's flank. 骑马者用靴刺戳了戳马的侧腹。
- The enemy attacked on the left flank. 敌人向左翼进攻。
- They were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry. 他们的侧翼受到一队骑兵袭击。
- We bore down upon the enemy's right flank. 我们向敌人右翼压过去。
- They turned the right flank of the enemy troop. 他们迂回到敌军的右翼。
- Their left flank was left in the air. 他们的左翼无掩护。
- We were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry. 我们翼侧受到一队骑兵的袭击。
- Flank steak and filet mignon are presumably safer. 牛腩排和里脊肉,大概比较安全吧。
- The commander threw out a thin screen of motorized troops to protect his exposed flank. 指挥官派出一支人数不多的摩托化部队去掩护其暴露的侧翼。
- The enemy attacked us on the left flank. 敌人由左翼攻击我们。
- Our orders are to attack their left flank . 我们的命令是攻击他们的左翼.
- I scratched his head and stroked his flank. 我抓搔它的头,抚摸它的肋部
- In view of the variation in the dip, here could be a local anticlinal fold. 鉴于倾斜方向的变化,此地可能存在一个局部的背斜褶皱。
- From the hip to the knee her flank was against his. 她的身体从臀部到膝部都贴着他的身体。