- The measurement of alternating potential difference may be perturbed by stray current. 交变电位差的测量可能受到游散电流的影响。
- Causes of the stray current corrosion in inlet and outlet of the electrolytic bath were analyzed to put forward a solution. 分析了电解槽进出口系统各主要设备杂散电流产生原因,提出了针对性的解决方案。
- The existent stray current around the running rail of metro will make electrochemistry corrosion to underground metal. 地铁走行轨杂散电流的存在,会对埋在地下的金属产生电化学腐蚀作用。
- Causes and harms of the stray current corrosion in caustic soda production were introduced. 摘要介绍了隔膜烧碱生产中杂散电流腐蚀产生的原因及危害。
- Showed the feasibility of using steel electrodes to measure potential gradient caused by the stray current in soils. 文中研究用钢制电极测量土壤中杂散电流形成的电位梯度的可行性。
- That the MTR suboccipital the soft concrete bed set up inside stray current collection network. 为此在地铁混凝土软枕下的道床内设置杂散电流收集网。
- This paper introduces the basic concept of stray current of rail transit and elaborates the corrosion mechanism of stray current. 摘要介绍了城市轨道交通杂散电流的基本概念、杂散电流腐蚀的机理,以及杂散电流的危害。
- Expound the concept of direct stray current of underground coal mine,analyze its harm,and proride some preventive measures. 阐述了煤矿井下直流杂散电流的概念,分析了其产生的危害,提出了防治措施。
- The present paper is mainly discusses stray current corrosion, crevice corrosion, galvanic corrosion and stress corrosion. 这些腐蚀现象在油气田开发过程普遍存在。
- Corrosion reasons of brine preheater were analysed, including brine corrosion, stress corrosion, stray current corrosion and thermocell corrosion. 分析了盐水预热器腐蚀的原因,包括盐水腐蚀、应力腐蚀、杂散电流腐蚀和温差电池腐蚀。
- This device not only compensates metro stray current but also compensates the stray current of petroleum pipelines or gas pipelines. 该种装置不仅能补偿地铁杂散电流,而且对于石油,化工,燃气管道的杂散电流同样有补偿作用。
- Experiment shows that the long effect copper electrode can be used as measuring stray current corrosion on buried metal structure in metro concrete structure. 实验证明,长效铜/硫酸铜电极可以在地铁的混凝土结构中用于测量理地金属结构的杂散电流腐蚀。
- The monitoring scheme of stray current in subarea based on HS801 was given in the paper.The method of the secondary development of HS801 with DLLs was introduced. 文章给出了基于HS801的杂散电流分区监测方案,介绍了利用动态链接库对虚拟仪器HS801进行二次开发的方法。
- The results showed that the fuzzy comprehensive method can reduce error probability, and increase the accuracy of MTR stray current corrosion evaluation. 结果表明,模糊综合评价方法可以减少漏报率,提高地铁杂散电流腐蚀状态评价的准确性。
- The characteristic of binding capability of chloride ion in cement hardened paste admixed with fly ash were researched under natural condition and stray current. 摘要分别对有杂散、无杂散电流影响下掺粉煤灰水泥石氯离子固化能力进行了研究。
- In order to protect the Urban Mass Transit,it was necessary to check and defense the stray current which rusted the rein-forcing steel bar of the building near the railway. 为了保障城市轨道交通的安全,对腐蚀轨道附近建筑中钢筋的杂散电流的检测和防护已成为必然。
- They're completely anti the new proposals. 他们完全反对新的提议。
- As to the results of simulation,compared and discussed the(parameters) that effect stray current and potential variation distribution,and proposed the theory basement for the system design. 结合仿真计算的结果,对影响杂散电流和接触电压分布的参数进行了比较和讨论,为系统设计提供了理论基础。
- I.Cotton, C.Charalambous, P.Aylott and P.Ernst, “Stray current control in dc mass transit systems,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 54, Issue 2, pp. 722-730, March 2005. 曾金田,“台北捷运高运量系统轨道对地电位及杂散电流分析,”清华大学硕士论文,中华民国九十年六月。