- Disintegrator rush: anti infantry turrets and machine gunners easy to defend. 粉碎者速攻:反步兵塔和机枪兵可以轻松防守。
- Disintegrator rush:anti infantry turrets and machine gunners easy to defend. 粉碎者速攻:反步兵塔和机枪兵可以轻松防守。
- Buzzer Hive. The most powerful of the anti infantry buildings, these are great if you have infantry in your base. 蜂巢是最强力的反步兵建筑,如果对手步兵进了你的基地,建造它们的威力是巨大的。
- Providing the Anti Infantry segment is weak, Walkers are a prime target for a Jump Jetting Commando. 这时候,敌人部队的反步兵单位有可能出现缺口,那么机甲们就是拥有跳跃喷气包的特种兵的绝佳目标。
- Light Infantry Squad: 4 rifleman and a squad leader with machine gun, anti infantry. 轻步兵班:4名步枪兵和1名携带机枪的班长,适合对抗敌方步兵。
- Switching their sword to a two handed axe, these knights are an excellent anti infantry unit able to take or hold castle walls. 他们将骑兵长剑换为双手巨斧后,对抗其他步兵部队极为有效,无论攻击或守卫城墙都非常出色。
- They cannot attack air, and are very vulnerable to anti infantry vehicles, defensive structures, air, and other infantry. 他们不能对空,对反步兵车辆,防御建筑,空军和其他步兵来说非常脆弱。
- The Commando APC can be very effective during times when your opponent is distracted or retreating walker units. Not to mention having a more than handy Anti Infantry weapon. 当你的对手阵脚被打乱或是撤退机甲的时候,特种兵APC是非常有效的。更不用提它的反步兵能力了。
- 3、Disintegrator rush:anti infantry turrets and machine gunners easy to defend. 粉碎者速攻:反步兵塔和机枪兵可以轻松防守。
- Charging tanks put the infantry to rout. 进攻的坦克使步兵溃不成军。
- The infantry began to deploy at dawn. 步兵黎明时开始进入战斗位置。
- The enemy infantry were made mincemeat of by our artillery. 敌步兵让咱们的炮火打得稀巴烂。
- Don't shrink from the thought of obstacle. 不要一想到困难就退缩。
- The infantry are defending well. 步兵防守甚佳。
- They're completely anti the new proposals. 他们完全反对新的提议。
- They constituted a near-insuperable obstacle to the besieging infantry. 它们就会形成围城步兵几乎不可逾越的障碍。
- Lack of education is an obstacle of success. 缺乏教育是成功的障碍。
- Our infantry is supported by tanks. 我们的步兵有坦克支持。
- He commands an infantry regiment. 他指挥一个步兵团。
- Infantry still plays an important part in war. 步兵在战争中仍然起著重要的作用。