- Government troops have vanquished the rebels. 政府军已经击败了叛乱分子。
- While constructing a dam in Tecala,a country located in the Andes,American chief engineer Peter Bowman is captured by anti government forces during a raid on the capital city. 在位于安第斯山的小国特卡拉修建水坝的过程中,美籍总工程师彼得·鲍曼在反政府武装突袭首府时遭劫持。
- At last the rebels were forced to yield the town to the government troops. 最后,叛军不得不把城市手交给了政府军。
- At the same time, by adopting skillful tactics, peasants' troop bravely counterattacked and defeated the government troop one after another. 与此同时,起义者运用游击战术,一次又一次地英勇反击政府军,并取得辉煌胜利。
- Government troops soon recaptured the island. 政府的军队很快夺回了这个岛。
- Government troops were forced to withdraw. 政府部队被迫撤走了。
- The rising was crushed by government troops. 起义被政府军镇压了。
- Government troops squashed the; rebellion. 政府军平定了叛乱。
- Government troops have clashed with the rebels. 政府军与反叛军展开了交锋。
- Government troops have succeeded in capturing the rebel leader. 政府军成功地俘获了反叛首领。
- The punitive expeditions by government troops only made matters worse. "因此官兵剿捕;难以安身.;"
- The few crossings had all been occupied long ago by government troops. 少数的几个渡口早已为政府军所占领。
- Government troops have been defeated and the enemy now occupy urban area. 政府军队已经被打败,敌军现在占领了城区。
- The rebellion against the government has been suppressed by the government troops. 反政府的叛乱已被政府军平定了。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- They're completely anti the new proposals. 他们完全反对新的提议。
- The rebels and the government troops have agreed to be brought together for peace talks. 反叛者和政府军已同意会面讲和。
- Last month, Namibia allowed Angolan government troops to use its border area bases to launch attacks on UNITA. 上个月,纳米比亚允许安哥拉政府军使用其边界地区基地发动对UNITA的攻击。
- Refugees accuse both government troops and rebels of burning villages in Burundi. 难民们对政府军和叛军焚烧村庄的行动表示谴责。
- UNITA has denied responsibility for the attacks and blames them on undisciplined Angolan government troops. UNITA拒绝对此次袭击事件负责,而把责任归咎到纪律松散的安哥拉政府军。