- Antibody test may diagnose and treat mad cow disease. 抗体试验可以诊断并治疗疯牛病。
- The immune effect of the vaccine was evaluated by PRV Antibody Test Kit, which was produced by IDEXX. 使用美国IDEXX公司的PRV抗体试剂盒对疫苗的免疫效果进行评价。
- Toxoplasma direct agglutination test (DAT) was evaluated by comparing it with the conventional indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFA). 为了评价新建立的弓形虫直接凝集试验(DAT),对DAT和常规的间接荧光抗体试验(IFA)作了比较研究。
- Specific bright yellow green flurescene was observed in the plasmas of infected cell by indirect fluorescent antibody test. 用间接荧光抗体试验在细胞浆中观察到特异性黄绿色荧光;
- Methods Surveying epidemiologically the area with the indirect fluorescent antibody test(IFAT)and checking the parasite rate again in 1999. 方法于1999年再次应用IFAT进行流行病学监测及原虫率考核。
- Methods CT studied 7 cases with a positive antibody test of paragonimiasis, in which enhanced CT scan 3 cases and MRI 3 cases. 方法肺吸虫抗原皮内试验阳性7例,均行CT检查,3例CT增强,其中3例行MRI检查并增强。
- The positive rates in direct antiglobulin test, free antibody test and antibody release test were 76.76%, 50.70% and 100% respectively. 直抗试验阳性率为76.;76%25,释放试验阳性率为100%25,游离试验阳性率为50
- False positive results are more common than false negatives due to the PCR test's sensitivity, so all positive results must be double checked using a standard antibody test. 由于PCR技术的敏感性,通常假阳率要比假阴率高,所以所有的阳性结果必须采用标准的抗体检测仔细检查。
- The autoantibodies SS-A (Ro) and SS-B (La) have more specificity for Sjogren's syndrome than others, though the antinuclear antibody test is positive in over half of cases. 尽管半数以上的病人抗核抗体检测为阳性,但在Sjogren综合症病人中自身抗体SS-A(Ro)和SS-B(La)比其他检测更特异。
- Results 103 sera were STLV-1 antibody positive, and 19 sera were STLV-1 antibody equivocal, the others were STLV-1 antibody negative in 2455 sera sent to BioRe-liance Co. for STLV-1 antibody test. 结果本中心送美国BioReliance公司的2455只出口猴血清,103份血清呈STLV-1抗体阳性,19份血清呈STLV-1抗体可疑,其余血清均为STLV-1抗体阴性。
- Comparison of LPA to fluoresent antibody test (FA) and LPAI to agar gel precipitation test (AGP), the results showed that positive rate of LPA was 90.5%, FA positive rate was 92.4%, and their concordance rate was 92.4%. 对LPA与FA、LPAI与AGP作了比较,结果:LPA阳性率90.;5%25,FA阳性率92
- Methods It studied the immunomodulating activity of XLW in S180 bearing mice by carbon clearance test,delayed type hypersensitive reaction (DTHR) induced by DNFB and hemolysin antibody test. 方法利用碳粒廓清试验、二硝基氟苯法和血清溶血素法,观察消瘤丸对荷瘤小鼠吞噬细胞的吞噬功能、迟发型变态反应和抗体产生的作用。
- A negative antibody test at 4 weeks will be highly reassuring (90-95% of infected people would be positive), but not as solid as waiting 6 weeks, when virtually 100% have positive results. 4周后阴性抗体检测是高度可靠的,(90-95%25的感染者是阳性的)但是在6周后,会有100%25的阳性结果。
- The laboratories that provide confirmatory HIV antibody tests on voluntary basis submit reports of the infected. 提供确定爱滋病病毒抗体测试之化验所在自愿的基准下呈报受感染个案。
- They all look the same, they all respond to our elaborate tests, such as the direct florescent antibody test, in an identical manner. 他们都看起来一样,他们都反应到我们的精致的测试,例如直接的florescent抗体测试,在一种相同的方式。
- If prior to the completion of seroconversion to HIV antibody testing, then the results may not be positive. 如果在血清转化完成之前进行艾滋病病毒抗体检测,那么结果可能不是阳性。
- It's all over now so think mo more of it. 现在一切都过去了,因此别再去想它了。
- NAT generally gives positive results much sooner than standard antibody testing would, making it useful in situations where early diagnosis is necessary. NAT通常比抗体检测更早检测出阳性的结果,所以在那些需要早期诊断的场合很有用。
- Sperm-cervical mucus and antisperm antibody testing are indicated when PCTs are repeatedly abnormal, despite normal-appearing cervical mucus and normal semen analysis. 当PCT重复异常但宫颈黏液和精液分析正常时需要做精液-宫颈黏液和抗精子抗体的检查。
- Because both unexplained infertility and immunologic infertility are treated with intrauterine inseminations, the usefulness of sperm antibody testing is limited. 因为不论是原因不明的不孕或免疫抗体造成不孕;解决的方法都是做人工授精.