Among her many admirers in Noguchi, an anti-war Japanese officer.Tony and Anita renew their love and Anita is pregnant. 六年前,他们投入反日的洪流,在天津要求国共联合抗日,他们也堕入爱河。
It is obvious that China's foreign policy must be one of resistance to Japanese aggression. 中国的外交政策,很明显的,应该是抗日的外交政策。
While sympathizing with the governor, I had to tell him frankly that I could hardly abolish an organization that the people had formed themselves to fight the Japanese. 我说虽然我很同情你这位省主席,可是我还得坦率告诉你,冀南行署是老百姓自己组织起来进行抗日的,我无权撤销。