- anterior teeth area 前牙区
- Impacted anterior teeth due to a small mandible. 影响前牙由于小下颌。
- Cusp-like structure projects from the cingulum area or cementoenamel junction on the palatal surfaces of the maxillary anterior teeth. 这如牙阜般的结构是出现在上颚正中门齿颚侧,由舌面隆凸向牙骨质牙釉质交接处延伸。
- Objective To discuss the methods for the impaction of maxillary anterior teeth. 目的探讨上前牙阻生的治疗方法。
- Objective: To evaluate the clinical experience in treatment of traumatic avulsed anterior teeth. 目的:探讨外伤性前牙脱位的临床治疗体会。
- It is not uncommon to see uneruption of the maxillary anterior teeth during children's mixed dentition stage. 摘要上颚恒前齿未能于正常时间适时萌出,在儿童青少年混合齿列期不算少见,且常为父母亲所关心的问题。
- Objective To repair residual crowns and roots of anterior teeth with casting post core with metal porcelain crown. 目的探讨利用铸造核桩加金属烤瓷全冠来修复前牙残冠、残根的优点。
- During anterior teeth biting, the stress of mandible angle is larger than that of the bilateral molar biting. 四组肌肉同时加载时,颏部的应力性质发生改变。
- The review presents the investigation on how to determine the size and form of the maxillary anterior teeth. 本文就关于如何确定上颌前牙的大小和形状作一综述。
- Unlimited composite (tooth colour) fillings for anterior teeth due to decay. Anterior the means incisors & canines. 无限次因蛀牙而导致的前牙合成树脂或瓷粉补牙,前牙指犬齿至犬齿间的牙齿。
- Objective: To evaluate the clinical experience hi treatment of traumatic avulsed anterior teeth. 目的:探讨外伤性前牙脱位的临床治疗体会。
- Objective To discuss the curative effect of upper jaw lip-side expansion for anterior teeth. 目的探讨上颌唇向扩弓活动矫治器对上前牙拥挤的治疗效果。
- Objective To explore how to regain artistic of diastem of anterior teeth extraction of adult orthodontic. 结论:该方法对成人正畸时前牙区拔牙间隙的临时性修复不失为一种有效而可行的方法。
- Methods: The methods and the therapeutic effectiveness of 32 traumatic avulsed anterior teeth of 18 cases wee analyzed. 方法:对18例32颗脱位前牙的治疗方法和临床疗效进行分析。
- Objective To test the accuracy of electronic apex locator in determining working length of anterior teeth using ODIS system. 目的用口腔数字成像系统(ODIS)检验根管长度测量仪在测定前牙根管工作长度时的准确性及实用性。
- The resin clasp is an esthetic and popularization-worthing retainer of removable partial denture, especially,good for anterior teeth . 树脂卡环是一种美观适用可以推广的可摘局部义齿固位体,尤其是在前牙上使用效果更佳。
- The denture can be used for a esthetic design of anterior tooth lost, but indication must be knowed well. 作者认为该法可作为一种前牙缺失的美容设计,但必须掌握适应证。
- Besides aligning malposed anterior teeth, some other factors may be critical to anterior dental esthetics in orthodontic treatment. 在正畸治疗中,除了排平排齐错位的前牙之外,还有其他的一些影响上前牙美观的因素值得关注。
- Methods 30 anterior teeth from 21 patients were restored with fiber posts and resin cores an porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. 方法:对21例成人患者共计30颗患牙,采用纤维桩树脂核恢复基牙外形并行烤瓷冠修复。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。