- antegrade refractory period 前向性不应期
- Changes and Significance of Antegrade Effective Refractory Period of the Fast and Slow Pathway During Radiofrequency Current Ablation in Patients With Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia. 射频消融术中房室结快慢径前传不应期变化及其意义。
- The difference of fast and slow pathway conduction features was co-related with changes of fast pathway antegrade effective refractory period before and after slow pathway ablation. 结论慢径消融术后快径路前传不应期缩短,快慢径路传导特性的差异与慢径路消融术后快径路前传不应期的变化有关。
- There is no refractory period in the sexual response of women. 女性的性反应中没有不应期。
- In isolated rabbit atrial muscle the functional refractory period was found to be prolonged by DMT 3.0x 10~(-6)M. DMT3.;0×10~(-6)使家兔离体心房肌功能不应期延长。
- Ethanol at low concentrations shortened its absolute refractory period, while ethanol at hig... 结论:乙醇可以用作神经传导的阻滞剂。
- Objective:To study the influence of ethanol on absolute refractory period of sciatic nerve in hoptoad. 目的:探讨乙醇对神经干绝对不应期的影响。
- Effect of Autonomic Nervous System on the Transmural Dispersion of Effective Refractory Period of Myoardium Across the Left Ventricular Wall in Vivo. 自主神经系统对在体犬跨室壁三层心肌不应期不均一性影响的研究。
- Most of the threshold, refractory period, and latency recorded from the dorsal column side were higher than those in the dorsolateral funiculus. 背索刺激的阈强度、不应期和逆向反应潜伏期等参数多高于背外侧索的有关参数。
- Methods:We used ethanol at different concentrations for the sciatic nerve stem of the unorganized hoptoad and measures its absolute refractory period. 方法:本实验对离体蟾蜍坐骨神经干进行不同浓度乙醇处理,测其绝对不应期。
- Conclusion:Valsalva Maneuver terminated supraventricular tac hycardia via prolonging atrioventricular refractory period. 结论:瓦氏动作终止室上速是通过延长房室不应期而起作用。
- Objective To investigate the effects of captopril on atrial effective refractory period( AERP) and atrial electrical remodeling in canine atrium with long-time rapid pacing. 目的研究卡托普利对长期快速起搏实验犬心房有效不应期(ERP)心房电重构的影响。
- Both the relative refractory period(RRP)and FRP of atrioventricular junctional area in functional LBBB group were signficantly iess than that of control group (p<0.01). 功能性左束支阻滞的房室交界区功能不应期略短于左束支有效不应期;而房室交界区相对不应期、功能不应期则显著短于对照组(P<0.;01)。
- At a still higher level of [Ca~(2+)]_0 (4.4mM), theeffective refractory period (ERP), ERP /APD radio and the threshold at the endingpoint of ERP (P<0.01) were increased. 高[Ca~(2+)]_0时窦房结起搏细胞的有效不应期(ERP)延长、ERP/APD增大;ERP点的阈值提高(P<0.;01)。
- Before and after pacing,atrial effective refractory period(AERP)was determined in all hearts at drive cycle length(DCL)of 400,300 and 200ms,respectively. 分别以400ms、300ms、200ms为起搏周期(S1)测定各组在灌流0h、1h后的心房有效不应期(AERP)。
- Objective To investigate effects of vagal stimulation on effective refractory period (ERP) at different sites of pulmonary veins after autonomic denervation. 摘要目的探讨去自主神经条件下迷走神经刺激对肺静脉不同部位有效不应期(ERP)的影响。
- The transsynaptic time of T2 to C2 was delsyed.The supernomality of T2 and C2 recovery functions and a decrease in relative refractory period in 2,5-HEX rats were observed. 从T2到C2的突触延搁增加,T2和C2的恢复功能曲线有明显的超常兴奋性,相对不应期减小。
- A general tendency of shorter AERP and dispersion of the refractory period as well as functional block was the electrophysiologic basis of multiple reentrant wavelets. (7)不应期弥散,心耳与心房体部的AERP有显著差别。
- CONCLUSION: Mechanical and partial obstructing blood flow from right atria to right ventricle (changing right heart load)would prolong atrial and ventricular refractory period. 结论: 机械性地部分阻断右房至右室的血流(改变右心负荷)可延长心房和心室不应期。
- Action potential duration(APD) at 30%,50% and 90% repolarization(APD30,APD50,APD90),effective refractory period(ERP),amplitudes of action potential and resting membrane potential were obtained. 用充满3mol/L氧化钾的玻璃微电极插入心房肌,记录动作电位。 观察复极30%25、50%25、90%25时的动作电位时程(APD30、APD50、APD90)、有效不应期(ERP)、动作电位振幅(APA)、静息电位(RMP)。