- Each year,an ant nest sends out winged,young queens on mating flights.Hundreds of them may fly out of a single.nest in the soil. 每年,每一个蚁巢都会送出带翅膀的、年轻的蚁后进行交配飞行。上百个这样的蚁后有可能从土中的同一个蚁巢飞出。
- Each year,an ant nest sends out winged,young queens on mating flights.Hundreds of them may fly out of a single nest in the soil. 每年,每一个蚁巢都会送出带翅膀的、年轻的蚁后进行交配飞行。上百个这样的蚁后有可能从土中的同一个蚁巢飞出。
- Answer three:stick this problem to the ant nest doorway, difficult dead!Difficult deathlessly would drive also this contrary theory molestation dead. 回答三:把这个问题贴到蚁巢门口,难死它们!难不死的也会被这个悖论折磨死。
- The results also demonstrated that there were most significantly linear positive correlation between weaver ant nest’s length and breadth, length and height, and breadth and height. 黄猄蚁蚁巢长度和宽度、蚁巢长度和离地高度以及蚁巢宽度和离地高度均呈极显著的线性正相关关系。
- Other types of the Red Imported Fire Ant nests are monogynous and polygynous.A polygynous nest is a large colony with many queens. 入侵红火蚁的蚁巢另可分为单蚁后型和多蚁后型两种,多蚁后型顾名思义即在一巢中有多只蚁后,巢内个体数更为惊人。
- ant nest of Macrotermes armadalei 土垅大白蚁菌圃
- There is an ants' nest under my kitchen doorstep. I must get some poison and send them to kingdom come. 我厨房的门前石阶下有个蚁穴,我得拿些毒药,将蚂蚁杀死。
- This is an ants' nest. 这是一个蚁穴。
- The boys found an ants’ nest. 男孩发现了一个蚂蚁窝。
- The blanket is on an ant's nest! 毯子放在蚂蚁洞上了
- The bird is building a nest of straw and twigs. 这只鸟在用稻草和小树枝筑巢。
- It proved that everything was a mare's nest. 结果证明一切都是场骗局。
- He was a soft-hearted man. He wouldn't hurt an ant. 他是一个软心肠的人,连一个蚂蚁都不愿伤害。
- The blackbird's nest contained four eggs. 黑鹂巢里有四个蛋。
- The swallow has made a nest under our eaves. 燕子在我们的屋檐下垒了一个窝。
- A bird lays eggs in the nest it has built. 鸟将蛋下在自己所筑的巢里。
- He went into illegal business to feather his nest. 他做非法生意以达到营私之目的。
- Every bird likes its own nest the best. [谚]金窝银窝,不如自己的草窝。
- The nest held three vigorous young birds. 这窝里有三只活泼的小鸟。
- The robins occupied their former nest. 那些知更鸟侵占了它们的老窝。