- ant colony algorithrn 蚁群算法
- A godless net muting with ant colony algorithm for IC design is presented. 本文提出了一种基于蚁群算法的集成电路无网格布线算法。
- An organism,such as a beetle,that habitually shares the nest of an ant colony. 蚁冢动物习惯居住在蚂蚁巢中的有机体,如甲壳虫
- Ant colony algorithms are robust and adaptable as novel optimization methods. 蚁群算法作为一种新型的优化方法,具有很强的鲁棒性和适应性。
- Ant colony algorithm is an intelligent clustering analysis methodology. 蚁群算法是一种智能聚类分析方法。
- An organism, such as a beetle, that habitually shares the nest of an ant colony. 蚁冢动物习惯居住在蚂蚁巢中的有机体,如甲壳虫
- An optimization algorithm for multiple-choice knapsack problem based on ant colony system is presented. 提出了一种用蚁群系统求解多选择背包问题的优化算法。
- Ant Colony Optimization algorithm(ACO)has the limitations of poor convergence, and is easy to fall in local optima. 针对蚁群优化算法(Ant Colony Optimization; ACO)收敛速度慢、易陷于局部最优解的缺点;提出了一种基于协同进化思想的蚁群算法;用于求解TSP问题.
- Evolutionary strategy with searching in variable neighborhood parameter is taken to improve ant colony algorithm (ACA). 摘要蚂蚁算法是解决组合优化问题的一种优秀的算法,但直接用于解决连续优化问题存在很大困难。
- By using of searching technic of ant colony algonithm, it can solve this problem very well. 利用蚁群算法的搜索技术,可以很好地解决这一难题。
- An automated seamline detection method for orthophoto mosaicking based on ant colony system is introduced. 介绍了一种基于蚁群算法进行正射影像镶嵌线自动选择的方法。
- The genetic algorithm and the ant colony algorithms fusion,will make a improvement algorithm to solve the TSP problem. 将遗传算法和蚁群算法融合,给出一种求解TSP问题的改进的算法。
- An ant colony optimization based algorithm for permutation flow shop scheduling was proposed. 摘要提出了一种求解置换流水车间调度的蚁群优化算法。
- This paper pays attention to the practicability and superiority using ant colony algorithms in VLSI routing. 本文重点在于研究在VLSI布线中采用蚁群算法的实用性和优越性。
- A new ACO(Ant Colony Optimization) algorithm based on pheromone increment and diffusion models is presented. 文章提出一种新的基于信息素增量和扩散模型的蚁群算法。
- Ant Colony System (ACS) is an effective algorithm to solve combinatorial problems such as TSPs. 摘要蚁群算法是一种解决组合优化问题的有效算法。
- Hybrid algorithm was composed of particle swarm optimization (PSO) and improved ant colony optimization (ACO). 采用粒子群算法与改进蚁群算法组成的混合优化算法求解模型。
- Dorigo M, Gambardella L M. Ant colony system: a cooperative learning approach to the traveling salesman problem[J]. 段海滨;王道波.;一种快速全局优化的改进蚁群算法及仿真[J]
- The key point of this algorithm is to integrate NEH heuristics with ant colony optimization. 该算法的要点是结合了NEH启发式算法和蚁群优化方法。
- The paper presents an ant colony clustering algorithm based on directional similarity: ACCADS. 摘要提出了一种基于方向相似性度量的蚁群聚类算法。