- The 6MWD was measured at baseline and then annually for 5 yrs in 294 patients with COPD and its annual rate of decline was determined. 本次研究包含294位COPD患者,分别测量其基线时和基线后连续5年的6MWD,并计算6MWD的年下降率。
- The annual rate of inflation fell. 年通货膨胀率下降。
- The approximate annual rate of world population is 2 percent. 世界人口每年的增长率约为2%25。
- annual rate of decline 年衰退率
- Canada's economy shrank at an annual rate of 5.4% in the first quarter, its biggest decline since 1991, but less than economists had feared. 加拿大经济第一季度以每年5.;4%25的速度萎缩。这是自1991年以来最大的萎缩,但是没有经济学家害怕的严重。
- On Wednesday Japan reportedGDP contracted at an annual rate of 2.4% in the April-June quarter, thelargest decline in seven years. 日本周三公布的报告显示,今年第二季度日本GDP较上年同期收缩了2.;4%25,创下了7年来的最大降幅。
- TheCommerce Department revealed that during the last three months of 2008, itsgross domestic product decline at an annual rate of 6.2%, the sharpest fallingin 25 years. 商务部指出,2008年的最后三个月,国内生产总值以每年6.;2%25的速度下降,是25年来最急剧的下滑。
- Light (heavy) industry expanded at an average annual rate of 20%. 轻(重)工业以年平均20%25的速度增长。
- New homes will be going up at an annual rate of about twenty thousand. 将按每年约两万户的进度建筑新民房。
- Under Dr Mahathir Malaysia's economy grew at an average annual rate of 6.1%. 在穆罕默德医生的统治时期,马来西亚的经济年平均增长率达到了6.;1%25。
- Persons destined to develop AD experience an accelerated rate of decline in cognitive ability, particularly in memory. 将要罹患AD的人经历一个认知下降的加速过程,尤其是记忆力。
- China's GNP (gross national product) grew at an average annual rate of 9% in the 1980's. 1980年到1990年,中国的国民生产总值的年平均增长速度是9%25。
- The rate of decline for both atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia also accelerated after 1996. 萎缩性胃炎与肠组织变形的发生率也在1996年后开始下降。
- The rate of decline slowed, raising hopes that the export slump may be bottoming out. 下降的速度减慢,出口量有望反弹。
- Merrill Lynch, meanwhile, thinks the IEA underestimates the likely rate of decline. 与此同时,美林证券则认为国际能源署低估了可能出现的产量下降速度。
- Agricultural exports, by contrast, respond immediately, growing at an annual rate of 17. 7 percent in 1980 and 1981. 相比之下;农业出口反应迅速;年增长率在1980年和1981年就达17.;7%25。
- If thepast pattern holds good, by the summer of next year investment may befalling at an annual rate of more than 10%. 如果过去的数据仍然有效的话,明年夏季投资年下降率可能会超过10%25。
- The next key control about mobile, accurate landing above the base, the rate of decline was slower, and not to encounter meteorite. 上下左右键控制移动,要准确降落的基地上面,下降速度要慢,并且不要碰到陨石。
- "The annual rate of visits for ACEI-induced angioedema was 0.7 per 10,000 ED visits. 临床报告中称:“因ACEI诱发的血管性水肿占10000名急诊科病人的0.;7%25。”
- EBIT growth rate of decline in the real economy, will enable the banking sector interest margin, credit costs increased, thereby making ROA fall. 实体经济EBIT增速下降,将使银行业息差收窄、信贷成本上升,进而使得ROA回落。