- annual general expense 年总费用
- The Annual General Meeting will be held at ... on ... at ... o'clock. 年度大会将于。。。日。。。时于。。。(地点)召开。
- An Annual General Meeting is held in January. 每年年会在一月份举行。
- The Annual General Meeting will be held at... on... at... o'clock. 年度大会将于...日...时于...(地点)召开。
- We enclose a form of proxy for use at the Annual General Meeting. 我们附上委任年度大会代表的表格。
- FAI Year The period between Annual General Conferences. FAI年度年度会员大会之间的时段。
- They feared wigs on the green at the annual general meeting of shareholders. 他们害怕一年一度地股东大会上的激烈争吵。
- Indeed, Chet hadn't called an annual general meeting in the past four years. 确实,切特有四年没有召开年度例会了。
- Administration and General expenses. 行政总务开支。
- Ordinarily,the directors are elected by the shareholders at the annual general meeting. 一般而言,经理是由股东在年度大会上选出。
- The proposed dividend is subject to approval by the Company's shareholders in the upcoming annual general meeting. 该等拟派股息需要本公司之股东于周年大会中批准。
- An annual holiday is a big expense. 一年一度的假日是一笔大开销。
- The Annual General Meeting"means the Yearly General Meeting of the members of the Foundation. 理事会年会"指由基金理事会成员参加的每年召开一次的会议。
- The election of the Standing Committee shall be held during the Annual General Meeting. 常设委员会选举须在周年会员大会上举行。
- Except Mr Chan King Ming, all the executive directors of the Broad will resign after the coming Annual General Meeting. 除陈镜明先生外,其他现时之执行董事将于下月股东周年大会后辞任。
- All General Meetings other than Annual General Meeting shall be called Extraordinary General Meetings. 除了每年召开的理事会年会,其它的理事会会议统称为理事会特别会议。
- Remember that, next time the chairman at the AGM(annual general meeting) cuts off your question about his salary. 下次的年度股东大会上如果董事长不理睬你对他的工资所产生的质疑,你可以提醒他这一点。
- Ordinarily, the directors are elected by the shareholders at the annual general meeting. 一般而言,是由股东在常年大会上选出。
- Start-up costs are generally expensed when incurred. 开办费在发生当期即记入费用。
- Remember that, next time the chairman at the AGM( annual general meeting) cuts off your question about his salary. 下次的年度股东大会上如果董事长不理睬你对他的工资所产生的质疑,你可以提醒他这一点。